What Are Your MA Goals?


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Lifetime Supporting Member
Thinking ahead 5 years, where would you like to see yourself in your Martial Arts Journey? What are some goals that you'd like to acheive for yourself?

For me I'd like to start working on improving my endurance, and lose a few lbs. Due to my crazy work schedule, at times my training gets cut short. I'd like to devoting more time to class. Working out on your own is only good for so long. Its important to get the hands on training. I would also like to make a point of getting to attending more seminars/camps.
5 years from now I would like to have accomplished the following.

1. one more trip to Okinawa to train with my Sensei

2. Continue to work on all of the forms in our system

3. continue to work on the bunkaki to the forms in our system

4. continue my tai ji training

5. better my teaching abilities

6. finish the book I have started on our system

That is just the big ones for now.

In the spirit of bushido!

in five years....

for me, continued progress in my primary art and significant understanding in the two other arts i'm studying. personal development including my organization, time management and temper. more time for my other hobbies.

for my school, in five years i'd like at least a dozen black belt students active in my studio and at least 200 active students.
Find a martial art that will sustain my attention and reduce my stress/anxiety levels. Thats pretty much it I guess..I try to not expect to much and enjoy the ride with my hobbies.
i would like to get better at grappling and learn more of different mix of things and start compeating in mma events and go to fight in the ufc and stuff that my goal sounds corny i know that what i want
For my students: To become a better instructor through more time on the matt, seminars & picking the brains of others I admire. To promote at least 5 black belts.

For me: Test for my 3rd Dan next summer & continue to learn & grow.
My goals are very short-term right now, I have my 1st dan test in jujutsu next Thursday and my 2nd dan test in taekwondo in June...after that, rest and recovery...
Mine is simple to become one with my Art, knowing and understanding every single movement.

For my school to have promoted atleast a dozen BB at my quality and to have my school financially sound all the time.

Hello, Two main ones here: First one is , to keep going, keeping learning,never stop the training.

Second one is: To be a very effective and knowledge teacher for the students of our school. They are our future!

.........If you can leave one good child and they inturn can leave one too...we can change the world for the better....Aloha
Five years from now?


1) I'd still be training and constantly be improving myself physically, mentally, and psychologically.
2) By then, I will be a black belt. If asked by my instructor, I may become part of the staff at my studio. Right now, I am already assisting in teaching the colored-belt students.
3) Be more proficient in my second art and be able to blend the two arts together to fit me.

There are a lot more, but these are my primary goals.

- Ceicei
My answer is a bit more long-winded, but I guess that's the norm from me.

It's not so much as to where I want to be in 5 years, but rather, closer to 15 years.

In about 15 years, I'll be in a position where I could retire from my current job, and have some pretty nice benefits, as part of a package for having a certain number of service years, at this institution. At that time, I would actually consider having my own dojo, one way or the other. I would hopefully be one of the more senior people in the system, and have the knowledge and experience (and wisdom) needed to smoothly run such an operation.

I've thought about this for a while and asked myself this: Do I really want to spend the rest of my life constantly writing up grant proposals, begging the government for research dollars, etc? After having run into hostile reviewers along the way for my grant proposals (it really only takes one to tank your score and push you into the unfundable area), it does get tiresome having to hope that each time, you can get a fair review panel. Even worse, is that people who may not like you, will often times refuse to recuse themselves from the panels, even though they are supposed to do so...

Don't get me wrong; I enjoy doing research, and actually writing up my results is quite enjoyable. I also know that what I am doing does help the human race as a whole, and that there aren't that many people who can do this kind of research.

However, when the joys of research get polluted with politics and backstabbing to such an extent, that it's not a matter of wondering how much you'll get from a well-written, well-researched proposal, but rather praying that an ignorant hostile reviewer doesn't mess it up, then perhaps it's a sign. Maybe it's a case of "the grass is greener on the other side," or maybe it's because of the stress that comes with a funding drought. Maybe once funding becomes more fluid, I won't be entertaining such thoughts, but I do wonder...

It's not a matter of personal income. As martial arts instructors, we are here to promote the arts themselves as the primary purpose, else we wouldn't be doing this. I'm fairly comfortable in the amount I already make in the academic world (which isn't really that much), and as long as I can maintain that level of pay, then income wouldn't really be a concern.

The way I see it, though, I have a good bit of time to think this over, and in the meantime, continue to advance in the system, accumulating more knowledge and experience. When the time comes, I'll know that I can make a thoroughly researched decision. For now, though, I guess it's time to finish expressing those proteins...
Five years...

I will have my black and begin assisting my sensei in training, as he's already suggested.

To have a deeper understanding of the history and origins of my art.

To have become a better person through the discipline and paths I have chosen.

To learn Rope Dart! w00t!

and to be 5 years in the program successfully

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