What are some good Wing Chun Youtube Channels?


White Belt
So I posted this also in the JKD part of the board but I am fascinated with JKD and Wing Chun and of course I love youtube, so I am hoping I can find some great youtube channels to subscribe to :) really interested in the way they work, and how it looks. Thanks for the help in advance :)

One I am already subscribed to is Izzo Warrior Acedemy, and I really love that channel, so of course the more the better ;)

Welcome to the forum. And I take it by your forum name that you're a leatherneck, so thank you for your service.

There are some pretty crappy wing chun channels out there, so viewer beware.

Everyone is going to have their own opinion, and wing chun being as political, and hence divided as it is, most will tend to recommend videos within their own lineage...and so I will be no exception.

I would say check out anything you see on Emin Boztepe, he's the real deal.
I am unashamedly biased , my Wing Chun is Tsui Seung Tin lineage.
There are some Aussie guys in Hong Kong that trained directly under Sigung Tsui for quite a few years.

They are called Pangea Wing Chun , Sigung Tsui always believed that Wing Chun is an internal system so that's the way it is taught , with a very big emphasis on relaxation.
David Peterson's channel has a lot of great footage of WSL:

You can also find videos of first generation students such as Tsui Sheung Tin, Moy Yat, Yip Ching, and even Yip Man himself if you just do some simple searches. These usually prove to be more substantial than anything else.

I like the way PVT Australia trains:
And of course, who doesn't like Gary Lam?

I may be slightly biased in favor of the WSL lineage :P
But, there's a lot of great practitioners out there.

Samual Kwok and Sifu Russ Chrichton are good examples of practitioners from the lineage that I'm training under currently, if you are interested in Ip Ching's method of Wing Chun.
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