What about practicing martial arts with near-sightedness? I heard about retinal detachment.

no its says severe myopia is a risk factor if you bother to read the text, and not all short sighted ness is caused by the thing you describe, diagnosing your condition using wiki media is not a wise thing to do

I got hit in the face with a football and went blind for two weeks, completly blind

In one place they say myopia in another they say severe myopia.

I'll leave it up to your appreciation whether you're safe until -5,75 diopters and suddenly at risk if you push -6 (usually considered the threshold to severe myopia).

Quite freaky with that 2-week-blindness... What was it? Temporary brain damage?
In one place they say myopia in another they say severe myopia.

I'll leave it up to your appreciation whether you're safe until -5,75 diopters and suddenly at risk if you push -6 (usually considered the threshold to severe myopia).

Quite freaky with that 2-week-blindness... What was it? Temporary brain damage?
no the back of my eye filled up with blood and the other packed up in sympathy, God the house stunk when I got my vision back, trying to pee in the pan by sound is an inexact science and cooking is like p,playing Russian roulet

there three ways to analyse that 1) that theres little risk at all, or2) there a substantial risk at any level or the most likely, that the person writing the wiki, is over simplify a complex subject and you should seek a medical opinion, before either scaring yourself needlessly or being recklass with your health.
Is it possibile to practice martial arts with near-sightedness? Do I risk retinal detachment?

Thank you for reading, have a good day.

An old thread, haven't read all of it but there's some misinformation here.

Increased susceptibility to retinal detachment due to near nearsightedness, depends on how near sighted you actually are, your age, general health etc.

I'm very near sighted myself, I wear an eye guard while training. If you are very near sighted, you may have to rule out competitions I'm afraid.

It's been 9 years since I found out about the increased likelihood of retinal detachment that I have, and I've been training since then.

You really need to speak with an eye specialist as everyone is different. I was told to live my life, just be careful. Doctor said that he's seen people with an increased chance of RD never get it, and those with a low chance get it. I'm at an additional risk in contact sports, so need to take additional precautions and adjust my training accordingly.

I'm also at risk from getting beaten up, stabbed on the street so must train accordingly!
"Increased susceptibility to retinal detachment due to near nearsightedness, depends on how near sighted you actually are, your age, general health etc."

Look, you came on an old thread just to tell people they are wrong, the experts say it's something that will affect severely myopic people rather than just mildly myopic people, but hey if you need to be right, crack on. I will tell my ophthalmic specialist, who I asked when this post came up first, he's completely wrong, he'll be delighted I'm sure.
You win, have a nice night.

it's not a game, it's a serious subject. Most of the posters on this thread aren't here any more and you've brought up the subject so that some new people will now worry where they didn't need to before.
it's not a game, it's a serious subject. Most of the posters on this thread aren't here any more and you've brought up the subject so that some new people will now worry where they didn't need to before.

They should always talk to a doctor if concerned, not rely on a thread for medical information.

Look, I was merely giving my experiences and opinion. Not sure why you're bothered by what I said, have a nice evening anyway.
They should always talk to a doctor if concerned, not rely on a thread for medical information.

Look, I was merely giving my experiences and opinion. Not sure why you're bothered by what I said, have a nice evening anyway.

I'm not 'bothered' as you seem to think but you came on a dead thread and the first thing you said was there was some misinformation on it thus bringing the thread into play again. It would have been best, especially as you think there was something wrong to have let it lie.