Sometimes you canĀt help going to the ground. You could slip, fall, or get sucker punched without ever seeing it. There are so many factors involved in personal protection and self-defence. One may not want to go to the ground, but once your there you have to know what to do. In self-defence, you tactics should be based on getting back to your feet, but you may have to grapple before that can happen.
Learning how to maintain positional control standing up or on the ground, is important in any type of martial arts program. Biting may be a last resort, as there are many communicable diseases like Aids and Hep A, B, and C out there. Eye gouging or groin and knee strikes can also be very effective on the ground. DonĀt forget, just because your down does not mean you have to grapple. Combining Eye gouging, groin strikes, knees and elbow with grappling can help a person to get back on their feet to a solid platform. When your on your feet you have a better chance of stun and run tactics.