We've Lost one...

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Unfortunately, RyuShiKan has resigned from this forum...

Some of you may cheer...
Others may not care...
Some, like me, regret that he is gone...

I never met him personally, but I appreciated most of the things he had to add to this forum...
Although he had an "in your face" way about him, he usually backed up his comments with facts (not hearsay or assumptions).

Heated debate is not a bad thing...and the moderators have let some strings run long and hot for awhile...

I have attended seminars presented by his teacher...

I do know one person who trained with him...
I know that the person who trained with him is an excellent martial artist...

It is my opinion that RyuShiKan IS the real deal...and we all lose out by his resignation...his passion for keeping some integrity in the arts is what led to his oftentimes "pitbull" posts...BUT, can anyone on this forum say that they learned NOTHING from him in the interactions that took place?

Answer that objectively...not with your emotions...

I never had a problem with him. I feel it's a shame he left...


he took a great deal of energy & knowlege with him.

Read this...

Fellow posters.

I have updated my profile for all to see. I believe that RyuShiKan now may recognize that he may have been in error to accuse me of being Zhao Dei Wei.

But I had participated in this forum some time ago under the web name "SenseiMike".

RyuShiKan took many opportunities to belittle me web moniker, my training, and my discussion of bunkai. I got frustrated with his barbs and bowed off.

However, I did want to see if this forum would be helpful in my research into the way kata is practiced today, as well as in years past.

Before coming back on, I read a few posts from over the past few months and noticed RyuShiKan was still the same flamer he had been in the past, still receiving warnings from the moderaters reminding him that this was a "friendly" forum.

So I apologize for having some fun at your expense (having to read my long posts).

It would be my great hope that RyuShiKan would avoid my posts altogether. I will strive to have the fortitude to ignore has replies.

BTW, if anyone doubts my rank, I can send you a jpg of my menjo.

-Mike Eschenbrenner - aka Shuri-te
Sensei - Cornell Karate Dojo


Why do people have to rely on deception to make a point?
Who has greater credibility after this little scheme?
The one who left, or the one who gets to stay?

Note to all...ShuriTe/SenseiMike has declared himself a deceiver, publicly...

This may come as a suprise, but I will miss him. Did he 'teach' me anything? I can honestly answer...yes :)

Although it is none of our business why he left, I wish him well and hope it is nothing serious.
Only a guess...but, he perceived the administrators were applying standards selectively...I don't know all of the particulars.
He thought it odd that his membership would be suspended for asking a question over and over to someone who "beat around the bush." But the person who "beat around the bush" was not suspended, even though he asked repeated questions, as well.

Now, the "bush beater" turns out to be a self admitted deceiver...

Who knows, maybe I'll be booted next for sharing the truth with you all...

I came here to learn and to share...I've had a good time and have learned a lot...especially from RyuShiKan (the histories he has shared were remarkable)...

I hope to continue to learn and to share...

How did you come by the info that he has left? His profile says account suspended but doesn't reflect that he has resigned.

He Courtesy Copied an e-mail he sent to the administrators...

Since then, Old ShuriTe/SenseiMike/ShihanMike has responded by e-mail to RyuShiKan...I think it clearly shows that RyuShiKan was set up.

Nice thing about e-mail...once you receive it, it's yours to do as you please...Here is ShihanMike's note to RyuShiKan:


Chickenshit?? Is that the best you can do? I would have expected a bit more vituperation from you. :)

So now you know. I was really surprised you didn't figure me out from our wonderful exchanges from the past. You got on this Zhao Dei Wei kick and seemed to have been temporarily blinded by your enthusiasm to out me.

But since I was about to bring up bunkai, the cat would have soon been out of the bag.

You see, you taught me well the last go round that you have a remarkable bag of evasive tricks. So this time, it was easy on this post just to look at your all your blather and doublespeak and come up with appropriate categories. I am sure you still have many more up your sleeve. But I am on to you. :)

I may have a shihan ranking in Shito Ryu, but you are the master of the flame.

I look forward to more fruitful exchanges with you.

Sensei Mike, no lets make that Shihan Mike.

Folks, I'm out of the loop. I've got 500-600 emails to wade thru, and a full PM box to boot.

I'll look into this, and things will be taken care of.

You have my word on it.

And since all the parties involved are verbose- well, luck.

When people I feel are honest leave, nobody wins.

And since I believe I have read all the posts involved, that's all I'm going to say. That should speak for itself.
To everyone...

I usually keep all e-mail I receive personal and private.
I don't want to discourage anyone from e-mailing me about things I post...however, this is an outrageous circumstance, and I think making it public is in the best interest of those on this board.

...and I don't think RyuShiKan will mind, since he is the one being railroaded.

Who knows, maybe he'll come back...but if he doesn't, I can't blame him.

Hey bud,

Come back and lets get along and learn from one another. Even though at times it is hard to just stay put and say nothing.
I understand how you feel...


Got the following from RyuShiKan via e-mail...he asked that I pass it on to you in this forum...


As you may have read I have been "set up" on Martial Talk.
Erroneously I thought it might have been you posing as "Shurite" who has now confessed to actually being MikeSensei from way back.

I apologize for thinking you were "Shurite".

Feel free to post this on Martial Talk if you want. I cannot since my account is suspended other wise I would.


Robert Rousselot

Maybe in the near future he will be able to respond personally.

Well I will give credit where it is due, it takes a real man to apologize for a mistake. Chufeng please convey my humble acceptance and my best to him.

If he does not come back, perhaps he and I can still converse via email. My best to him.
It is my hope that Ry will return. I always looked forward to his posts and his knowledge of Okinawan karate and it's history has been wonderful.

I have never met him personally, but I know his teacher quite well. One of my students trained with Ryu while he was stationed in Japan and spoke very highly of him; his knowledge, his skill, and his love of martial arts.

I was enthused to find him on this board. I truly hope that he will return very soon. We need more like him; real martial artists who are truly dedicated to their arts and who will stand up for the truth, regardless of the cost.
ShuriTe is down below, in the Karate forum, trying to say he did nothing wrong...

Quite frankly, this behavior makes me sick to my stomach...
Surely the reason RyuShiKan was "suspended" (which led to his resignation) is because people like ShuriTe/SenseiMike/ShihanMike, tattled about getting spanked on the board...

Truth hurts, doesn't it.
Reminds me of "day-care" tactics...very mature.

A few points:

*Discussion of our moderation policies is welcome. We do this for you and we value your feedback. Please, feel free to discuss this further. We have changed our policies based on members' concerns in the past.

*RyuShiKan's account is suspended. The suspension will be lifted. At that point it is his choice whether to return to MartialTalk or not. He would certainly be welcome to return.

*We came to suspect that the Shuri-te and Sensei Mike accounts belonged to the same person about a day before it was announced here by Shuri-te. This is a technical matter and we wanted Mr. Hubbard's opinion--he is the technical expert here, though other mods. have some knowledge of computers and networks. (I include all admins. when I use the term mods.) Note that Mr. Hubbard is on vacation this week.

*When there is a problem, the mods. discuss it in a forum that is invisible to non-moderators. The mods.' paying jobs are on different days and hours and it can easily take a few days for everyone to give an opinion and react to others' opinions. Remember, MartialTalk is a money-losing operation staffed by volunteers--we all have full-time jobs. This can mean that action in some matters takes longer than people may expect. Please, give us time on issues!

*We prefer to warn whenever possible rather than take stronger action. Please bear in mind that in some cases warnings may have been sent, and e-mail or PM discussions may have taken place, that no one knows about but the mods. and the member warned. Don't assume that no action has been taken because none is visible to you!

*Having multiple accounts is considered a violation of our policies.

*MartialTalk is first and foremost a place for the friendly discussion of the martial arts. Other boards may have a different focus; friendly discussion is our mission. There is already a rec.martial-arts and so we do not want to duplicate it.

*Our Rules and Policies and Terms and Conditions are posted. Please note the Basic Rule: Treat others as you would wish to be treated. We ask that you be professional and polite to one other and respect our intention have a forum for the friendly discussion of the martial arts.

*Human moderation, like any essentially judicial procedure, is fundamentally subjective and subject to error and inconsistency. We do our best but do not always achieve full success as we would hope to do. Please, bear with us. We're striving to make this board the best it can be--this often involves difficult decisions.

-MT Admin-
I would submit that when a member is "set up", as Ryu Shihkan was, some corrective action should be taken by the moderators. Ryu Shihkan was railroaded by one who intended to deceive from the outset, acording to his own admission. Surely this places the onus squarely on who did what and to whom.

Ryu Shihkan made numerous posts on the board which were very educational and required some real effort and time on his part. I would think that such members would be considered very valuable.

If trickery and deception is allowed to pass for socially acceptable behavior on this board, then we are all in peril.

It is my feeling that one of our finest members AND our moderators have been deceived. Sadly, the one who was punished was the victim.

This is not acceptable. I hope that the moderators here will make the appropriate adjustments to this situation.

And I hope that Ryu Shihkan returns soon.
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