wetzel/reeders poekoelan videos requested


White Belt
many of you probably know, or at least heard of, poekoelan tjimande, pionerred from 2 masters in the USA, Willy Wetzel and Master Reeders.
I know that today are still some school in the USA but I live in Italy and I am very interested in investigating this art.
I know that John Maltere, a disciple of Willy Wetzel, produced 2 videotapes, 3 hour long each, via the King Dragon enterprises and advertised them many time on Black Belt Magazine, look:

I would please:
1. does anybody has these 2 tapes? I would like to buy them or a copy.
2. Does anyone know if Master Redeers poekoelan is in a way on tape? I know that M. Sikes (spelling unsure) was one of his best student.
3. Any other sources?
I thank you all for your patience and help.
I've found some poekoelan videos on YouTube. I briefly studied poekelan during the early 80's from a student of Roy Wetzel.
Guy Savelli in Ohio sells several videos of his Silat. He was a long time student of Willem Reeders` for many years, but they had a falling out when Reeders supposedly began to water down what he was teaching to new students.Savelli`s stuff is also heavily influenced by his own interest in religious and psychic phenomenon. I`ve visited his school a few times and his abilities and those of his students was extremely high. They could all do things that I`d only heard other instructors talk about over the years. I decided what they were doing didn`t suit me, but Mr. Savelli and his students deffinately know their stuff.He teaches what he calls Huc chung kuntao. You can find out more here: http://www.worldkungfu.com/
Thanks a lot. i heard about Mr. Savelli as well as I heard about some of his mystical abilities. In a way i evoided the guy. But, the circustance that you have witnessed some of his claims, it makes the whole thing more interesting. I'll ask and investigate. I am sure somewhere , somehow it has to be something more about poekoelan as well as the theory that all the silat styile that are pukulan are more aggressive and attaking oriented compeared to most traditional silat.
I clearly know that this is just a theory and do know that pukul - pukulan in indonesian means to hit or to strike. The point is that the pukulan style are more aggressive. Wetzel and Reeders semm to be some og them.
I've found some poekoelan videos on YouTube. I briefly studied poekelan during the early 80's from a student of Roy Wetzel.

yes I saw one from Guro Hogue but it's only 57 seconds. Could you briefly please teel something about your training with Roy Wetzel student?
Were the form taught at the beginning? What stances were used? And the self defense?
yes I saw one from Guro Hogue but it's only 57 seconds. Could you briefly please teel something about your training with Roy Wetzel student?
Were the form taught at the beginning? What stances were used? And the self defense?

I'd like to stress that I only studied with my poekoelan instructor for a couple of months before he was transferred because of his job. I enjoyed the training I did have with him, but it was mostly the basic self defense techniques (against armed and unarmed attackers) and hand and foot strikes. I didn't actually learn any of the forms while I was there, the way he taught you didn't learn any of the forms until you were promoted to white sash, side bar regarding the way he grades was you started off with a white belt and had to earn 3 stripes before you were eligible to test for white sash. I can't remember all the stances we learned off the top of my head, but I do remember doing alot of stuff out of a basic horse stance initially.
Salaam Alaikum, one of the systems I teach is Pukulan... so I have some knowledge of this subject... I also know Oom Jim Ingram...The American Silat legend in Washington, personally, he teaches Pukulan as well but from what I can see his style is very strongly jurus oriented... and looks and feels like karate ... short choppy... He told me he was trained with the music but does not like it... so he does not teach that way.... but the wisdom of the step is distinctly silat geometry... I know also that he and willy wetzel trained under the same silat guru in Indonesia.... He told me so... as for the several silat systems I teach... I received them purely through kembangan... musically as a dance where one movement becomes another and then the next and so on... its uninterrupted movement totally inspired and spontaneously creative... my pukulan is more like that taught by Guru Steven Benitez... whose silat is more kembangan like those which I teach, I do not teach jurus... the Sumatran styles I teach are not oriented that way... also there is a very strong chinese kuntao hybrid in those systems of Poekulan from Willy Wetzel... authentic silat has no connection to chinese systems... nor is their language spoken in the course of silat study or training... unless you are involved with a hybrid like Kuntao... or most of what I've seen of "American Silat"... Pukulan is typical silat.. authentically it has no basic... from the first movements you are acquiring agressive bladed movements... aimed surgically at lethal places on the body... weaponless its brutal but not as lethal as other silat systems... unless you have expertise from another style about the bodies vulnerabilities... Pukulan is about percussion... turning the wanna be assailant into a victim... by using his body as a drum... and beating him to pieces... it gives a persilat the talent for becoming a whirl wind... so we in our tradition associate it with the thunder aspect which precedes the lightning of true silat... that is to say... its the initial brutal assault... before the lethal lightning bolt flashes..

True Silat will never be seen on the web.. or video taped... as you would not be able to capture it on film... it will not be perceived...it is a practice of the unseen, for no one can defend against that which they cannot see, as its executed with impeccable speed and manifests as a blur... not much to witness... especially to the untrained eye.... a teaching video is another matter... as most authentic silat teachers gaurd jealously their secrets as ancient sacred wisdom, not to be treated as a material commodity and sold for a price... you are talking about a guru or Indonesian man's tribal inheritance passed down through the centuries through his family lineage... ancestrally... and placed on the market for sale at $20-$60.00 a vid... this is considered sacriligeous to Silat Pusakah teachers... who avoid commercialization and exploitation of their sacred cultural heritage...

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