Westboro church to protest Edwards funeral

Does the humiliation for this woman ever end?

What is the reason this time? Thank God for breast cancer?!
The Westboro Baptist Church is at it again, this time they are going to protest Elizabeth Edwards' funeral.


I'd like to think that God reserves a special place in hell for those that misuse his name like that and say that they are doing God's will.

Punisher, I fully agree with you but all you're doing is feeding into their agenda by giving them attention.
I'm actually starting to hope that the WBC protests my funeral when the time comes. It would mean that I must have actually done something right with my life.

Come at me, you freaks, it's just a straight shot down I-70.
I'm actually starting to hope that the WBC protests my funeral when the time comes. It would mean that I must have actually done something right with my life.

Come at me, you freaks, it's just a straight shot down I-70.

ROFLMAO, that is one way of looking at it.
The WBC are idiots IMO, and I look forward to hearing about it when someone gets pissed off enough and puts a few holes in them.
When Fred dies, the protest of his funeral will be EPIC.

When he goes, I hope they toss his body in a hole, walk away, and leave him the legacy he has earned; indifference. Ego and hatred like his should be rewarded with the one thing his type can't stand; being ignored.
The hole he's tossed into should have a padded ring around it so others can stop by and drop in some tribute...and tp.
Isn't a cemetary private property, couldn't the people who run the cemetary keep them out.
they protest in the street outside whereever the service (generally the church) is being held before they take the body to the cemetery.
Isn't a cemetary private property, couldn't the people who run the cemetary keep them out.

I suppose they keep to the streets as funeral homes and cemetaries are usually privately owned - at least around here.

I mean, I read an interesting article on those loons in regard to the 1st amendment, but sheesh, is it necessary to execute your right when somebody buries a family member?
Like one of their favorites: Thank God for dead soldiers....makes you want the honor guard to lover the rifels a little for the salute...
When he goes, I hope they toss his body in a hole, walk away, and leave him the legacy he has earned; indifference. Ego and hatred like his should be rewarded with the one thing his type can't stand; being ignored.

but not before his body is spat on by 12 angry homosexuals.
They have been in our town a few times to protest. One was over a funeral of a solider. They general get permits and contact the local sheriff department, which has too protect them. They were here this fall for a Pink Ribbon fundraiser which they protested. They general travel Interstate 70 and protest along the towns on it. There are about 4-5 members that come to a protest. I wish they would make it legal to hunt them. Maybe protesting Edwards funeral someone will pass a law making it legal to hunt them down and shoot them.
from wiki:

'In November 2010, WBC members were picketing a soldier's funeral in Oklahoma; when their van's tires were slashed, local towing companies refused to assist them in any way. In response, the group declared that God was now punishing Oklahoma by killing its children, and vowed to begin picketing children's funerals.'

oh haha, i laugh at the idiocy of these wbc morons.

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