We're Getting Free Internetz!!!!

I keep telling myself "He`s only there for 2 more years, how much could he mess things up?" And every time I say it he finds a news way to screw the country and the economy.
Jaysus. Doublespeak so obvious that I don't understand how any tree-hugging commie bastich could deny it:

"It's not adding taxes," he told FoxNews.com. "It's just saying if there are going to be these taxes, let's do this in a way that is consistent."

Adding taxes is not adding taxes if you add taxes but do it 'consistently'? What the screaming eagle crap does THAT mean? It's like me saying "I put gas in my car. I didn't put any gas in my car, but I did it in a way that was consistent." My head hurts now.
Oh, what big NAPs you have.

The better to track your usage with, my dear.
So, when he gets voted OUT of office...... so long as it's done 'consistently', then he didn't lose, he was just going home.

What is it he's saying is "Consistent" about it and WHY does that change it so that they're not new taxes?

Your (overtaxed) brother
the biggest win in this entire article/post is the original post name...
We're Getting Free Internetz!!!

although I think a more appropriate term given the article and Obamacare would have been...

All Your Internetz Are Belong to Me!!!
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"If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. If it stops moving, subsidize it."
lol. that's funny.

Don't know why, but i find everything nowadays just so rediculous. no one has sense or consciense anymore.
I'm so confused about how this is going to increase public safety. Please enlighten me.
Virtually all organizations, FEMA included, need broadband internet to function efficiently. This does more than just giving employees access to the web, it also makes office-to-office interconnections and carrier-class VoIP phone service possible, etc. There is a lot that goes on "behind the scenes" to keep people connected.

What I don't understand is why FEMA and other associated organizations cannot do what my company does. Our service providers have 5,000,000 lines in service around the world. If something goes wrong, they want the issue fixed, regardless of whether it is a holiday, the middle of the night, or when the weather is really bad near the home office in New Hampshire.

We had a bad ice storm up here in December of 2008 that knocked out power for a very long time. The office was running on generator power, but in the middle of the crisis, our generator died. Our group of 15 was basically reduced to two people that could handle customer issues...me, camped out in a hotel in Massachusetts, and one of my counterparts up in Maine who was outside of the crush of the storm.

After those events, my director purchased 4 wireless broadband cards from Verizon. They are there for anyone who needs them, with the priority going to the people on call. I've used them when bad weather was predicted, or when I was on call over a holiday and visiting family.

If my group of 17, in a barely solvent company can manage 24x7 normal operations in an area that gets nor'easters any month out of the year....why can't FEMA do the same?
Those who predicted Obama was going to be like Carter's second term are turning out to have been optimistic.

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