We're all doomed, uh, yesterday.

Flea, have a watch of this one:


This lady is not having a pleasant time with her 'constructed reality'.
Dan, MILF is a rather vulgar term applied to ladies of a certain age who retain a high degree of attractiveness.

I can't believe that you've not heard it before - it was used, many times, in the movie "American Pie", for example. Even I, as a bone fide 19th Century throw-back, know what it means :o.

I am going to ask my wife later? but all I remeber about American Pie was the Pie Scene?
Flea, have a watch of this one:


This lady is not having a pleasant time with her 'constructed reality'.

Oh no is this Larry The Cable Guy in drag????? she is saying GETERDONE at the end or maybe she dated him now we know the real problem. Did I hear her right she has nuddy pictures ready for Jerry Springer.

I can't let my wife see this video she will cut me off from MA Talk?

As the guy in the movie The Crow you have truly brought a smile to my face today.
Im sure 2012 is going to be a very intersting year for these people.
Can you imagine lol..

Actualy, the 235000 people chosen to go on ships, or the archangel micheal, where have i heard of that before? I think its a fanatical version of mormon or j witness isnt it!
Not sure, dont go for the sky daddy religions myself but i always think these people are some kind of fanatical offshoot of one of them!!

Its like a craaaazy mix of mormon/jwitness/scientology or something lol.
Well, maybe not, but thats my take on it ;)

OK guys... lets see how long you can keep eye contact through this one :)
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