Weng Chun Schools in Socal or Arizona


White Belt
Any Weng Chun schools providing certification for teaching in Southern California , or Arizona around?

I have some background with an informal school ( Tang & Chu family Chi Sum Weng Chun) that has changed policies recently and doesn't offer certification as is done in Europe or Hong Kong and as I practice multiple styles of martial arts and would like to teach I would like to be able to offer this style with the ability to offer certification as well.

I'm looking for Chi Sum Weng Chun, any of the 10 family branches that practice Sap Yat Sao, I already have a school I am attending that I have green sash and am working towards a teaching credential. My issue is that I have spent 3 yrs also with Weng Chun ( which I am not complaining I learned allot) however that school is not certifying students upon passing each level.

I would like to find a school under the Tang family to learn Jong Kuen and the Heaven wooden dummy set as well as get certified but really any school that has a certification track in the Shaolin ( Chi Sum) Weng Chun school would be an interest to me for example this is the linage this art is under.
I'm sure you know that Weng Chun schools are few and far between in the US. Have you tried contacting Derek Rozinski? He's in Brooklyn, but I know he has some "distance students" and may be able to help. The other "Chi Sim Weng Chun connection" in the US is Benny Meng in Dayton Ohio. But I'm not sure I would go that route!
Thanks I know Derek yes, but yeah hes a bit farther was just wondering if anyone knew of any closer
I'm sorry, but the title of this thread has left me with this in my noggin

OK, I'll go now that I got that out of my system
I'm sorry, but the title of this thread has left me with this in my noggin

OK, I'll go now that I got that out of my system
Glad you got it out of your system.
Wang Chung means Yellow Bell.
Wang Chung is the name of the band that sings this song.
Wang Chung has nothing to do with Weng Chun, Wing Chun, Ving Tsun...etc.
But it is a fun bit.
Question OP, do you think Chi Sim WC complements other "regular" WC styles well? I've been considering learning it some day, specifically the Tang family style. Also, who are the ten families? I've only heard of the Tang, Dong and Lo families.
Question OP, do you think Chi Sim WC complements other "regular" WC styles well? I've been considering learning it some day, specifically the Tang family style. Also, who are the ten families? I've only heard of the Tang, Dong and Lo families.

I can't imagine it adding much. Good Yip Man WC is already very good at what it focuses on. Studying a similar but different system would probably just be confusing, maybe even contradictory in some areas.

IMO the best complementary systems to WC would be those that fill in the weak areas: a solid ground/grappling system, a broad-based and direct weapons system like certain FMA groups, and of course a mixed sparring group working with good guys from diverse backgrounds.

Not surprisingly, some of this I already do, the rest I wish I had already done when I was younger and up to it!!!
Any Weng Chun schools providing certification for teaching in Southern California , or Arizona around?

I have some background with an informal school ( Tang & Chu family Chi Sum Weng Chun) that has changed policies recently and doesn't offer certification as is done in Europe or Hong Kong and as I practice multiple styles of martial arts...

Multiple styles??? How many? Which ones? I ask because after a certain point, more is not better. When I took up WC, I found exactly the opposite to be true. The schools (and individuals) who claimed mastery of many systems were sometimes effective martial artists but were often not very good at each individual system. In fact their WC usually stank (you can see a lot of this on youtube).

On the other hand, I do value cross training and getting a basic knowledge of what other systems involve and how to work with/against them. Just not to the extent that you water-down your own core system.

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