I am deciding to not give up taijiquan because after 30 years I found I was sick of Traditional Yang. I tried to go back to some of the others I trained, Wu and Chen.... did not really want to relearn another form.... so I did 24 form, althnough my 24 looks awefully traditional these days.
Some dismiss, the 24 step...
Maybe not understanding it was put together by the leading taiji exponents of that time.
Trying to address the problem of judging "taiji" without a common format...
They created one.
One that still adhered to taiji tenets found in most methods expressed in different ways.
Had asked about, viewing, your work finding it interesting that you stayed within the common expression's of taiji
making something that worked for you..
In my case, did develop something different
Developed in Hsinchu, TW.
蒼鷺太極 Tsang Lu, combined Taiji theory and movement, with the unique foot work and long arm of Tibetan White Crane , developing and focusing on functional usage based awareness.
After around 5 years of development and testing, discontinued the project, having arrived at a deeper understanding of what I was looking for, realizing the changes were not in the direction I wanted to pursue.
good luck

with your practice..