Well that's new..... or newish

I'm glad to see you contribute your knowledge and help the Taiji system to evolve. Without evolution, today we still use DOS instead of WINDOW.

One of my students wants to get his 4th degree BB. I give him one assignment and that is to "integrate leg skill into the Taiji system". Hope in our next generation, nobody will say that Taiji has no leg skill.
I think it sound as the OP about going full circle “reinventing” the traditional Yang TJQ long form
A + B > A

It depends on how large the B is. Not sure if OP is willing to discuss what the B is that he tries to add into A.
Already did some of that in #16.
And discussing this openly will eventually, and already has brought some negativity (not from your posts). Which is fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion and if I have discovered nothing else in my years on MT is there are a lot of armchair quaterbacks out there telling you are doing it wrong.
I think it sound as the OP about going full circle “reinventing” the traditional Yang TJQ long form
no more than what Cheng Manching did. or any other person who changed what they learned after studying for many years. But you believe what you want

Yang Style came from Chen style
Wu style came from Yang style
Wu/Hao came from Chen and Yang style
Sun style came from Hao, Xingyi and Bagua
Cheng Manching style came from Yang style.

furthermore, I am not marketing it at all.....
Already did some of that in #16.
And discussing this openly will eventually, and already has brought some negativity (not from your posts). Which is fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion and if I have discovered nothing else in my years on MT is there are a lot of armchair quaterbacks out there telling you are doing it wrong.
When you present your paper in a conference, audience will question your research, and you have to defend your research. When you send your paper to a magazine for publishing, you will have at least 3 persons who will examine the detail of your paper.

My teacher changed

- Taiji "cross leg" into Xingyi Pi Quan with kick.
- Taiji "twin peaks to the ears" from 2 hook punches into 2 palm strikes.

He made 6 changes in his Taiji form. He kept saying that "Taiji has no leg skill". I asked him, "Why don't you put leg skill into Taiji?" He said, "Taiji doesn't deserve my help."

Sometime when you try to help Taiji, some Taiji people may feel it as an insult. My teacher gave up his task. I also don't feel like to do it. So I ask my next generation to do it.
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When you present your paper in a conference, audience will question your research, and you have to defend your research. When you send your paper to a magazine for publishing, you will have at least 3 persons who will examine the detail of your paper.
I'm aware of that, but I'm do not feel I'm presenting a paper or defending research....... no need to
I'm aware of that, but I'm do not feel I'm presenting a paper or defending research....... no need to
I understand. There is a big difference between

1. Someone asks your opinion, and you share your information.
2. Someone disagrees with you, and you have to defend yourself.

1. can be fun. 2. may not be fun most of the time.
OK, let me clear this up a bit.....
I am not trying to improve taijiquan
I am not trying to reinvent the Yang Long form (no need for that, it exists and I have done it for 30 years)
I am not trying to make and market my own style
I am not looking for a critique
I am not going to post a video for the purposes for any of the above

I am deciding to not give up taijiquan because after 30 years I found I was sick of Traditional Yang. I tried to go back to some of the others I trained, Wu and Chen.... did not really want to relearn another form.... so I did 24 form, althnough my 24 looks awefully traditional these days. My Yang Shifu did not teach me that, my first shifu taught me that. , that I could do, but part of what I do, and have been trained with, is the martial side of taijiquan and 24 form is lacking. So I added bits of Yang that I thought it needed for my use and my training.... then it hit me that there was a place for something from Wu style that I thought was important, as it applies to applications.... same goes for the bit of Sun that appeared...... it is, depending on how you count, 60 postures and that is all.....

Will I ever teach it..... I have no idea.... I am training traditional Sun at this time. It appeals to me, probably due to my Xingyiquan background and my, to a lesser extent, Baguazhang background.... It also, at least to me, is the most obviously martial of the 5 big taijiquan styles.

I'm also currently training Wing Chun and doing just plain awful.... but if I were good, I would not need to go there and train
due to my Xingyiquan background and my, to a lesser extent, Baguazhang background....
Trying to integrate Taiji, Xing Yi, and Bagua together can be an interested task. When I was young, I tried to integrate long fist and WC. I failed big time.
I am deciding to not give up taijiquan because after 30 years I found I was sick of Traditional Yang. I tried to go back to some of the others I trained, Wu and Chen.... did not really want to relearn another form.... so I did 24 form, althnough my 24 looks awefully traditional these days.

Some dismiss, the 24 step...
Maybe not understanding it was put together by the leading taiji exponents of that time.
Trying to address the problem of judging "taiji" without a common format...
They created one.

One that still adhered to taiji tenets found in most methods expressed in different ways.

Had asked about, viewing, your work finding it interesting that you stayed within the common expression's of taiji
making something that worked for you..

In my case, did develop something different

Developed in Hsinchu, TW.

蒼鷺太極 Tsang Lu, combined Taiji theory and movement, with the unique foot work and long arm of Tibetan White Crane , developing and focusing on functional usage based awareness.

After around 5 years of development and testing, discontinued the project, having arrived at a deeper understanding of what I was looking for, realizing the changes were not in the direction I wanted to pursue.

good luck đź‘Ť
with your practice..
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