Welcome to The Great Outdoors!

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Welcome to The Great Outdoors.

No, this isn't the John Candy movie. :)

This is an area to talk about all those things we do in the outdoors. Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Hiking, Boating, Spelunking, etc.

Have fun! :)
You ought to just move the MA-Caver thread here right now. If that isn't the great outdoors, than nothing is....


Who the hell does THAT?

I am a caver and I go C-A-V-I-N-G (or have you not read Flatlander's thread?)

Ceicei does too :D
So does Sukerkin, I was surprised to find out :D
Sukerkin said:
Wonderful to hear opinions from people I trust about conditions I've never had to experience :tup:.
I've had an extensive caving and camping history (mostly done via bicycle power so I can concur utterly with the 'reduce weight' motif! ) but never had to deal with environments that include truly dangerous (non-human) predators.

Cavers rescue spelunkers and spelunking is the sound that they make when they hit the water. :D :D :D
Oh Bob, I'm going to deluge this place with fishing, hunting, camping, backpacking, and/or wilderness threads. THANKS!!!!! You are the BEST!!!!
Also, my dad found out that Russian people used to make a kind of tea out of fireweed (Rosebay willowherb), so we found a recipe and tried it. It's really, really nice and apparently very good for you. And we have TONS of that stuff on the property...
Also, my dad found out that Russian people used to make a kind of tea out of fireweed (Rosebay willowherb), so we found a recipe and tried it. It's really, really nice and apparently very good for you. And we have TONS of that stuff on the property...
In the southest US this time of year, we have a noxious weed called coffee weed (Sesbania herbacea) that can cause kidney and liver disease. Ironically, cowboys used to make coffee with it when out on the trail.
Also, my dad found out that Russian people used to make a kind of tea out of fireweed (Rosebay willowherb), so we found a recipe and tried it. It's really, really nice and apparently very good for you. And we have TONS of that stuff on the property...
I've got an herbalism side business where i make tinctures and teas/drinks for people. One of the things i make is called fire cider - it's definitely an acquired taste, but is really good for you.
My brother is in the army cadets as a leader. So we have been out trying to make hoochies work.

I've got an herbalism side business where i make tinctures and teas/drinks for people. One of the things i make is called fire cider - it's definitely an acquired taste, but is really good for you.
Cool! The only annoyance with these things is that they do not contain caffeine. Still, I suppose you could see that as a good thing

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