Welcome to Martial Talk.:wavey:
We are the Martial Talk Mentors, yes, MENTOR, not MENTAL! :erg: LOL!
Well.. sometimesĀ but I digressĀ

We can be identified by the red MartialTalk Mentor tag on the top right hand of all of our posts. We are here to meet and greet you and make you feel at home here on MartialTalk. We are not moderators and do not resolve conflicts, however, should you be in need of any assistance and have any questions, please feel free to contact anyone of us via pm and we will either try to help you ourselves or let you know who would be the proper person to get in touch with.
Hope you enjoy MartialTalk as much as the rest of us do, and Happy Posting to you all!
On behalf of the The MartialTalk Mentors.
Rich Parsons
Martial Talk
Assistant Administrator