Weinstein to remake Kurosawa's "The Seven Samurai"


Master Black Belt
Yes, I know. Akira Kurosawa's The Seven Samurai is a perfect film and has been remade and adapted many times already. But I will be very interested to see this version. Although, a VERY high bar is set when you take on a film of this magnitude.



I can see recruiting Donnie Yen (Hero) and Zhang Ziyi (Hero, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon), but George Clooney????? I don't exactly remember the original having caucasians.

Anyway....I'm stoked. I just hope they don't screw it up TOO bad. Production set to begin 2007.

I have always liked Harvey's and Miramax's work; so, I will nurture the good feeling I get thinking about this remake :)

Donny Yen!
George Clooney? Well, if Carradine can do it, why not Clooney?
I don't know..... They are messing with a sacred thing as it is.... I can't help but feel a little Eor-ish about the whole thing. Why mess with perfection?

-wes tasker
I am a GREAT fan of Kurosawa's films, even his non-samurai movies i.e. High and Low and Ikiru (both recommended), and while I consider 7 Samurai to be among his finest works there are many more that they've could've (should've) tried adapting to see if a new translation will suit today's audiences.
Ran would be even more difficult as the story is complex with his (Kurosawa's) retelling of King Lear.
Rashomon would be a good one to do as well, but would it's abrupt ending piss off today's audiences?
Yojimbo which was translated by Italian director Sergio Leone into
Per un pugno di dollari aka A Fistful of Dollars starring Clint Eastwood and worked out pretty well. One half expected Segal to do a remake in Modern New Yawk or Chicago or something like that.

The idea of inserting a caucasian into the story kinda tweaks the imagination. But one thing that'll get me is the use (again) of Chinese actors/actresses to portray Japanese ala Memoirs of a Geisha might cause another upset, particularly with the iconic status of 7 Samurai.

Wait and see neh?

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