Weightlifting Books



Does anyone have any recommendations on books on weight lifting and strength training? I got a gift certificate for the bookstore and am looking for a good book to get.

,,,is the one that I would recommend, if it's still in print. I have many more but that's the one I always go back to. I bought mine in 88 and it's now a little worn out so I'm thinking about buying another copy
I thought arnolds book was quite thorough, I recently bought Joe Weiders "The Edge", its alright, I liked it, talked about excersises (as they all do) but it went a little bit further into how muscles work/respond and some supps.
b, look for "complete conditioning for the martial arts". great book, i cant remember the author though, but, each routine described can be adapted to suit your personal goals............respects.
Thanks guys. I'll check the books out and see which one looks best!
