Weekend Tournament results


Yellow Belt
Hey guys. I took my broken toe to Melbourne, FL, for a tournament on Sat. I didn't do as well as I would have liked but this is only my 2nd tournament and first as a Camo belt. My opponents were all higher belts.

My daughter got 2nd in sparring (her first tourn sparring) and forms. She placed third in weapons.

My son got 3rd in weapons and 4th in forms.

I placed 1st in weapons and 3rd in forms and sparring.

It was so hot in the venue and I was trying to protect my toe so that may have been part of why I didn't spar so well. Also, the woman who put me out has 8ft long legs and knows how to use them.

I will keep practicing in class and get advice from my instructor and keep trying.

Just wanted to share with my TKD friends.

Also, Grand Master Lee was there and I got him to sign my belt and had pictures taken with the kids.

I study TKD in Melbourne, FL and I hadn't heard about a local tournament this past weekend... Would you mind sharing what school sponsered the tournament?

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