Atlanta Regional ATA Tournament


Yellow Belt
Today I competed in my first "real" tournament. My first was an inner school one. Today was the Atlanta Regional ATA tournament aka Battle of Atlanta.

I was in the 40-49yo color belt womens division and I got 3 first places.... forms, sparring and weapons. I am so excited. I hope I can keep it up.

My kids competed as well. My daughter got 3rd in weapons and my son got 2nd in weapons and 4th in forms. I am so proud of them both. My son especially as he really was hesitant to compete but now has the "bug" so to speak. He really botched the form up but he continued on and held his head high.

I just wanted to share.

Panama City here we come.
Great news do you have any pics, of them or you. That you would like to share
It is. That is why I put ATA in the title to try to help differentiate the two. They are both called the Battle of Atlanta.

Sorry if I confused you.
I am the yellow belt on the near end. (I never said it was a big group. LOL)

This is my son.

This is my daughter.
Very nice pics and being at a small venue is great we do about 5 of the smaller ones a year. Looks like you and the family had a great time.

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