Well, for recruiting students you don't want too much information... they'll get lost in it. Basically you want a sales letter in electronic form. Few (if any) things to click on. Just what joining your class will do for them, maybe some testimonials thrown in for good measure.
Just one page, some pictures, sell your benefits like crazy (not features, benefits) Don't worry about lineage, ranks, history, or anything that interests practitioners. Worry about one thing, get them to call you or arrange a time to come in. The rest can come later, but get them to make direct contact, that is the ONLY goal of a website designed to get new students.
If you can get a online form they can fill out, get the name, e-mail, number, and if possible (depends on how you schedule things) a time that they are going to come in. Give them a call before hand and remind them too
Don't worry about making it look like a mcDojo site, what matters is what goes on in your classes, not the appearance of your marketing materials
For your own students, put the material relevant to your teaching up. Curriculum, techniques, dates, schedules, history, etc. Whatever is important.
The trick is in getting them to come back regullarly, which means the content changes regullarly. This is where a forum might come in. That way it isn't only you that changes the content
Or some other form of content management system, something that will let you make changes quickly and easily. Even if it is just provinding an little piece of a article and a link to it.
Perhaps a blogging set up? You can keep on as a class log, useful for people that missed classes. Let them set up there own too. Might even give you some useful feedback on your classes