weaker style?


3rd Black Belt
i was thinking the other day when i was giving a piano lesson that this student might not know everything i know because... well he is not me. if thats the case i don't know everything my teachers knew because i'm not them. i have yet to see a student better than an instructor. (this is talking about when they first start... if they never learn from someone better.) i am better in piano than my first 2 teachers because i went to study under someone better.
if thats the case even the "dans" know less than what their instructors/masters taught them.(if they never went to go study under someone better) so if a person is a 3rd generation student he really needs to think and ask if he is getting the full advantage of the art?
your thoughts?
The extent of my knowledge is not limited to what I have been taught. If you have an active, inquisitive, imaginative mind then you are not limited to only the information that has been presented.

If you extend this line of thinking we would be in a state of constant decline, continually diluting the skill level of the student body unless we all study under the 'master' until he has taught us everything he knows.
exactly! so i guess my next question is... is there anything secret that we haven't learned? maybe something that got lost in translation or something that was never taught because of death or other situations?
I am not a big believer in secrets per se, if your teacher pass away warly perhaps there are things they should have covered. Not a secret death touch just things you were not ready for yet.

In a closed enviroment the student teacher relationship should allow all knowledgw eo pass. Will there be a bleed or a drain from generation to generation? I guess it depends on the students (vessels). The mrtial arts are not static, but dynamic always refired by the person who learns them. perhaps that is why to different students might hAve different takes on the same system?
I think that if you get to a point where you feel your at a stand still, you should research the arts, and find something to crosstrain in that would make your style more versatile.
is there anything secret that we haven't learned?
Secret maybe if you do not study an art that teaches these things. Commen knowledge or knowledge given with rank and trust in a style but not in another more than likely. Not all teach or have the same knowledge.
I don't think the goal of a martial artist should be to learn every single aspect of one specific art and to perfect it all. This is effective and rewarding, yes, but until you explore other arts you are closed from the completion of your abilities, or potential if you will. I think a good philosophy, in my opinion, is to try to be able to handle all forms of scenarios with as much ease as possible. This is of course for martial artists who apply their abilities to fighting type situations (sports, tournaments, sparring, self defense etc.) If you are learning martial arts for coordination, fitness, or simply the satisfaction of rank then 'secrets' don't really matter that much. Just my two cents.
There are no secrets, just techniques and applications you have not learned yet. Perhaps your Instructor feels that you have not matured enough to be taught anything more than a basic application of a certain technique. So you know the general way of doing a double knife hand block. However, once your Instructor feels you have advanced enough, it is conceivable that you would learn an application of the same block you never would have thought of.
It's not a question of being as good as or surpassing your Instructor, it is a question of being as good as YOU can be. There are undoubtably techniques your Instructor will always be better at because his body is different and some things might be more natural for him to do. He might also be more dedicated. There is a difference between a Master who dedicates his life to Tae Kwon Do and your average Joe who practices maybe 2-3 times a week.
tshadowchaser said:
Secret maybe if you do not study an art that teaches these things. Commen knowledge or knowledge given with rank and trust in a style but not in another more than likely. Not all teach or have the same knowledge.
I totally agree I don't think that many teachers trully know the secrets, but many would teach them if they knew
As part of my BB test I was required to do a paper on the history of the martial arts. One of the things I learned was YES, WE'VE LOST A LOT OF SECRETS.

Many arts were lost because they were not "written," they were suppressed by ruling classes or conquerers, and they were intentionally kept secret by families or clans.

But I've also noticed that many modern martial artists cross-train, and learn a variety of technique.
well "secrets" wasn't the word that i was intentionally trying to say but it turned out pretty good!

i would hope that any instructor would teach you something if you were ready to recieve it and not hold anything back.
But that's just it. It's not a question of "secret" technique or your Instructor holding anything back. Some people just may never be ready to learn certain techniques or applications.
Any chance a serious study of those often-cited as worthless forms and sets might help uncover them there secrets?

It's also possible that this is just another of those, "things were better way back when," arguments.
I think that all martial arts are in constant change. Many things have been lost, and we are still losing others. But new things are being discovered too. I do not think that the effectiveness of any art has diminished since the "old days". The techniques are all evolving and changing. All that has been "lost" can be rediscovered in time. Although entire arts have been lost, I don't believe that they could have held some secret radically effective technique or principle not present any other art.

I believe that we should all train in order to surpass our instructors, acquire the knowledge they pass on, then advance that knowledge and pass it on.
I think the instructor's teaching way is their own, and that is the way you will be taught. who is to judge who or what is better? Maybe if it is a competition MA....

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