We Were Bored.....

I don't think it's only boys.
But they do it much more often than girls.

Then again...I don't know too many women with enough spare time on their hands to be bored...
I never see roaming bands of girls out committing crime. I see teen boys all the time. Normally if its girls there are boys involved as well. I don't mean murder like this but just in general it's normally boys out acting up breaking stuff or beating people up or robbing. I guess its the testosterone or something
What in a childs upbringing/environment/influences leads to this???

I was a boy of about 14 when the wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone. My grandfather was a rancher in the area. I recall that he said to me, “ Boy, wait and you’ll see it’s only matter of time until the wolves range out of the park. When they do ranchers will start losing calves and shepherds will start losing lambs. This will not happen because the wolves are maltreated or because they lacked for anything as they were growing from pups. Soon thereafter, boy, ranchers will start killing wolves. This will happen because it is in the nature of the wolf to kill the lamb and the calf.”

I remember protesting his thinking because the wolves were endangered and we could put up fences and such. After I voiced this to my grandfather he smiled and told me the following.

“You can’t talk the wolf out of being a wolf”.

I understood his point but as a boy I thought he was wrong. All these years later, IÂ’ve been a soldier for many of them and IÂ’ve seen the terrible things that people do to each other firsthand. IÂ’ve grown to understand that sometimes people act out of fear or momentary rage. Some people though, are like those wolves. Its what they are, and you canÂ’t talk them out of being wolves.

I don't know if the above is any answer but every time I see something like this, or read about that kidnapping in Cleveland, or a school shooting, or any of the myriad horrors that fly across the newsfeed every day I think about my grandfather's thoughts on those wolves. Some people are evil. Not in a cartoonish, twirling the mustache kind of way, but in real lack of human compassion and empathy kind of way. Whatever sort of wiring they were supposed to come equipped with seems not to have been shipped with the final product. I' not sure that one can fix what is simply missing.

In any event another innocent person has been killed and three monsters await justice. I hope for God's mercy and healing to the families of all involved.

I never see roaming bands of girls out committing crime. I see teen boys all the time. Normally if its girls there are boys involved as well. I don't mean murder like this but just in general it's normally boys out acting up breaking stuff or beating people up or robbing. I guess its the testosterone or something

Be glad. Because women are even worse when let off he chain.
In 1979, Barbara Ann Spencer, 16, shot up an elementary school in San Diegoi, killing the principle and a janitor, and injuring eight kids and a cop.

She told a reporter that she hated Mondays, and the shootings "livened up her day."


Yeah that's what I'm saying one or two females for every 50 males. If it were strictly parental upbringing you would think it would be slightly closer in numbers. Like in my family it's backward same upbringing yet my sister is the criminal and I'm not. Kinda strange.
Yeah that's what I'm saying one or two females for every 50 males. If it were strictly parental upbringing you would think it would be slightly closer in numbers. Like in my family it's backward same upbringing yet my sister is the criminal and I'm not. Kinda strange.

Maybe it has something to with the way males are treated in society.

Male Disposability.

Truly shocking and even more so when nothing is made of it in the media and there is relatively little, heard from all the way over here at least, said about the racist hatred involved. How much of a contrast is necessary with the recent previous case that hit 'the papers' before the general population say that enough is enough with the current lopsided idea of racism?
Truly shocking and even more so when nothing is made of it in the media and there is relatively little, heard from all the way over here at least, said about the racist hatred involved. How much of a contrast is necessary with the recent previous case that hit 'the papers' before the general population say that enough is enough with the current lopsided idea of racism?

The problem as I see it is when politicians insert their opinion to score racial points. Either you comment on all racially charged crimes like this Aussie getting killed, or this:


Or you keep your mouth shut entirely. What made the Zimmerman case worthy of a White House comment while they remain silent on these?

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Jesse, Al and the rest of thost idiots are keeping quiet cause there is no way they can attempt to justify what those dirtbags did and that's the only reason they come out from under thier rocks is when they think they can sway folks to their cause and stir the pot.

Agreed! All the loudmouths seem to be keeping quiet about the 2 trash bags that beat that poor WWII Vet to death. That poor man has probably done more good in his life, than those 2 punks could do in 10 lifetimes.
Truly shocking and even more so when nothing is made of it in the media and there is relatively little, heard from all the way over here at least, said about the racist hatred involved. How much of a contrast is necessary with the recent previous case that hit 'the papers' before the general population say that enough is enough with the current lopsided idea of racism?

Yup, sad but true. The media and the rest of the circus clowns, made poor innocent Trayvon into national uproar. Odd....you dont see any uproar about this. Go figure.