"We have not come to work within the system."

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
And there you have it - direct from their own mouths:


The goal to us is very, very clear. It can be articulated in one word — REBELLION. We have not come to work within the system.

And let us know say that "not everyone involved in Occupy Wall Street feels this way." It doesn't matter. This is their official publication; it is their position piece. It would be like saying that not every communist agreed with the Communist Manifesto. It doesn't matter; this is what they as a group, believe.

What the elites fail to realize is that
rebellion will not stop until the corporate
state is extinguished.

Ah, corporations extinguished. The end of private enterprise. Government nanny-state in perpetuity. Yeah, that doesn't sound like communism much, huh?

It will not stop until foreclosures
and bank repossessions stop. It
will not stop until students no longer
have to go into massive debt to
be educated, and families no longer
have to plunge into bankruptcy to
pay medical bills. It will not stop
until the corporate destruction of
the ecosystem stops, and our relationships
with each other and the
planet are radically reconfigured.

Very democratic; it doesn't matter what the majority want, it only matters what you want.

The corporate funders of the Tea
Party movement may hearken back
to the Revolutionary era, yet what
they call for is not revolution, but
reaction. They want to go back in
time. When they speak of the time
of the Founding Fathers, they often
mean the time before the end of
slavery, before labor unions were
legalized, before women were considered
people under law, before the
civil rights era, before the environmental
movement. In fact, many
of them seem to want to go back
to the time before the Boston Tea
Party itself, to the days when only
the propertied elite could vote.

I'm no fan of the Tea Party, but I hardly think they want a reestablishment of slavery, an end to suffrage, or an end to voting rights for non-property owners. Has anyone seen any actual reference to any such demands. Anyone? Bueller?

View attachment $occupy_austin.jpg

Say, that's a pretty bullhorn. What's that decoration on it? A red star? I wonder what that signifies. Certainly not communism. No, it must be the red star of freedom or something. It just looks like a red star of communism.

“Student involvement is important
because we are the ones with
the most at stake in this economy
right now,” he said. “With the job
market the way it is, a lot of us who
are about to graduate, like myself,
are looking at very few prospects.”

Yes, well, completely dismantling the evil corporations and eliminating all debt, putting all businesses out of business, that should fix the problem, eh? There will be plenty of jobs once there are no more private employers. Why didn't I think of that?

“Hopefully the legislature will
hear us and understand that we
are the ones who vote them in and
not the corporations,” said Eugene
Chen from CUNY Law School.
“And while they get their money
from the corporations, ultimately
they are accountable to the people.”

But, um, I thought you were refusing to deal with the government?

The following Principles of Solidarity have been adopted by the GA
as “a living document” that will be revised through the democratic
process of the N.Y.C. General Assembly.
On September 17, 2011, people from all across the United States
of America and the world came to protest the blatant injustices of our
times perpetuated by the economic and political elites. On the 17th we
as individuals rose up against political disenfranchisement and social
and economic injustice. We spoke out, resisted, and successfully
occupied Wall Street. Today, we proudly remain in Liberty Square
constituting ourselves as autonomous political beings engaged in
non-violent civil disobedience and building solidarity based on mutual
respect, acceptance, and love. It is from these reclaimed grounds that
we say to all Americans and to the world: Enough! How many crises
does it take? We are the 99% and we have moved to reclaim our
mortgaged future.
Through a direct democratic process, we have come together as
individuals and crafted these principles of solidarity, which are points of
unity that include, but are not limited to:
ƒƒ The sanctity of individual privacy;

Uh, I'm sorry, what? You mean like your bully boys in "Anonymous" who hack to find the personal details of your enemies and post them on the Internet, encouraging retribution? Even to posting the contact information of their families? THAT PRIVACY? IS THAT THE PRIVACY YOU MEAN?

The General Defense Committee of the IWW stands in solidarity with our brave brothers and sisters at
Occupy Wall Street. We denounce and detest the intimidation, harassment, and brutality exhibited by
the New York Police. The actions of the police lay bare the true nature of Wall Street and Capitalism.

Well heck, that's nice! Oh wait, the IWW? You mean the Wobblies?



The IWW was founded in Chicago in June 1905 at a convention of two hundred socialists, anarchists, and radical trade unionists from all over the United States (mainly the Western Federation of Miners) who were opposed to the policies of the American Federation of Labor (AFL).

Yeah, these are some great folks. They have come to help us all by, uh, "not work within the system." Gosh, I feel all warm and fuzzy now.
You must not have heard, Macy's is sponsoring the Occupy Austin event.:ultracool

[TABLE="class: infobox vcard, width: 22"]
Macy's Department Stores, Inc.[TR]
[TD="class: logo, colspan: 2"][/TD]
Type[TD="class: category"]Subsidiary[/TD]
Industry[TD="class: category"]Retailing[/TD]
Founded[TD]New York City, 1858[/TD]
Headquarters[TD="class: label"]New York City, United States[/TD]
Number of locations[TD]805[SUP][1][/SUP][/TD]
Products[TD]Clothing, footwear, bedding, furniture, jewelry, cosmetics, housewares[/TD]
$24.892 billion (FY2009)[/TD]
Operating income[TD]
US$ 1.863 billion(FY2007)[/TD]
Net income[TD]
US$ 893 million (FY2007)[/TD]
Employees[TD]167,000 (2009)[/TD]
Parent[TD]Macy's, Inc.[/TD]
Macy's is a U.S. chain of mid-to-high range department stores. In addition to its New York flagship store, the company has designated additional regional flagships in several other major urban centers and as of January
I guess I am showing my age. Looking at what Bill reports them saying reminds me of the Communist in the 50s, and the anti-way protesters of the 60s. All elitist goals that totally deny reality, and as Bill points out, are often contradictory. Trying to give lofty sounding reasons that ring hollow.