We are not alone?

Well, for me at least, evidence leads to reasoned and/or probable conclusions whereas proof is undisputable certainty.

In science, it is never possible to have indisputable certainty. One is only ever to provide more and more evidence for an assertion, thus making the conclusion ever more probable.

This is an important distinction because many people have this false idea that they can actually "prove" an assertion in the same way that they can "prove" something in geometry or with logic. This simply isn't the case.

With that being said, what is the evidence that we are not alone in the universe?
I don't quite see where that takes us, mauna, in the instance of proving the existence of extra-terrestial life. You asked what the difference was between evidence and proof for such a thing and I expressed my opinion.

I studied Popper and the scientific method like any other serious student of a mathematical/engineering/scientific discipline and theorising aside, a UFO landing in the garden is proof which ever way you cut it whilst blurry photographs and dodgy anecdotes are evidence.
The point I was making is semantic and it is important. Too often we fall into a trap of thinking that we can prove something by providing more and more evidence, or the inverse that someone can have a pile of evidence for something, but that it isn't proven until some kind of proof is shown. This simply isn't the case. Nothing can be proven beyond all doubt, there is only a greater pile of evidence. Sure, an alien landing in my garden would pretty much seem to settle the issue...unless we are dealing with an elaborate hoax...which does happen. The bottom line is that it's just evidence.

Where this takes us is beyond the realm where people are separating the two.
Hello, Just heard on the news? ...Obama's people mentions we have over 13 million aliens in America alone?

We are NOT alone...?

UFO's , Gods, and Ghost? .......we belive in Magic only?..????

I don't see why we can't get along with extraterrestials:

they want to probe;

based on what my dad has told me about the emergency room, there are PLENTY of people who are already self-probing with various objects;

can't we get these two groups together?

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