Water Fluoridation Revisited - Washington Admits Levels are Dangerous

Also: water is actually the bigger market in beverages.Strange but true.

I don't know if I buy this, just check out your local supermarket, how much space is allocated to bottled water and how much to soft drinks. Usually, there is much more space allocated to soft drinks and less than a fourth to bottled water. Also where I work there are three seperate machines that sell drinks. One offers 8 soft drinks and two bottled waters. Another offers only sports drinks and the other offers 10 soft drinks and two bottled waters. I rarely see anyone buying the water.

True spring water is far better than the tap water offered in most municipalities.

The best option is to buy a filtration system that filters out not just lead and chlorine but fluoride and disinfectant by-products. Usually this needs two seperate filters.
Carry your water in a glass bottle or stainless steel bottle.

This is actually the best alternative to living near a spring or well.