Watch Out!!!

arnisador said:
I never lost the habit of reading the whole board from when I worked here, so I end up all over the place! Who knows what you'll find in the corners of MartialTalk.
Ya know, I still go through the list in my head ... "Okay, New Posts then Korean, Study and General ...." Hard habit to break.
We need a 12-step program for ex-staff. Let's get Kaith to fund it. I think a $20,000 seed grant would be a reasonable start.
Jonathan Randall said:
Moose! I just noticed that you too have achieved SPLENDIDITY. Congratulations, sir? m'am? (moose is of an indertinate gender, could be either).

*basks in the glow of his splendidness*

Thank you for such a prestigious honor! :)