Was promoted to Black!


Blue Belt
I posted in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu forum, but I thought I'd post here too. Yesterday at the end of class my instructor, Cassio Werneck, promoted 2 guys to Blue Belt, one to purple, and I got my black!

I am very proud of my accomplishment! I had a feeling it was coming, but it was still a shock when it happened...

very much like this!!!

Watch :34-1:20ish LOL the whole video is great though!
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I posted in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu forum, but I thought I'd post here too. Yesterday at the end of class my instructor, Cassio Werneck, promoted 2 guys to Blue Belt, one to purple, and I got my black!

I am very proud of my accomplishment! I had a feeling it was coming, but it was still a shock when it happened...

very much like this!!!

Watch :34-1:20ish LOL the whole video is great though!
I said it over in the BJJ forum, but I'll say it again here, too. Congrats,Ybot. That's a real accomplishment!

Holy cow!!! GREAT job!

CONGRATULATIONS on your accomplishment!

Sorry about the overuse of caps...but damn, a black in BJJ is...a helluva lot of work, and talent. Amazing job. :)
Congratulations! Any black belt is a significant milestone, but by most accounts a BJJ black belt even more so.
A deep bow to you, brother of the Black.

Remember to keep a student's mind and enthusiasim, remember what it was like coming up to Black when you train your students.

Thanks to everyone for the congratulations and the good advice! Believe me, I know black belt is just another step on the journey, not an ultimate goal! It is a major mile stone in my training, though, and I am extremely proud!

how long did it take you to get ur black ?
I started training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in June of 2000. So it took me just slightly over 10 years. And to put it in perspective how much actual training time that is, I would say that over those 10 years I averaged at least 3 classes per week. I can't think of a way I would have rather spent that time, though, so it wasn't like work at all! I enjoyed, and still enjoy every minute of it!