Was Arnold completely honest at the RNC?


Senior Master
Apparently Arnold gave a false impression of his childhood in Austria when he spoke at the DNC. The comments about the Russian occupation might have been stretched a bit.


There are some other whoppers catalogued there at the bottom. Some from Bush, some from Kerry. One article hammers Zell Miller.


Interesting program on PBS. They are interviewing all of the factions in the RNC. One of them is the Club for Growth. Their opinion on moderates is "either get with the program (the right wing) or get out." The Club for Growth has backed candidates in 19 elections across the country. They call moderate Republicans RINOs and they call what they are doing RINO-hunting. Of the 19 elections this groups supported with their copius amounts of cash, they have won 17. Can anyone else see where this is going?

So much for the "big tent".


PS - Maybe Arnold should raise his left hand and give me five.

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