Rich Parsons said:
So you might consider being judged or judging others by the company they keep as well? Not just their actions, but also the actions of their friends and associates? As in the Lord of the Flies, the children were guilty since they allowed the death to occur by not stepping forward to stop it. So, if you associate with someone, should you be judged by their actions as well?
Just Curious, form the philosphical point of view of this discussion / arguement.
You could take that interpretation if you wanted. Love to see the essay on that view
I am not talking about guilt or innocence for the sake of this point, only how each character behaved differently, according to the author's view, when the restraints of society were no longer there to moderate their behavior.
I was using it as an example of how, individually, a persons character is revealed when there is the perception of no consequences. The individual nature of each character came through. Some were natural followers, some were natural leaders.
Of the leaders in the story, one is depicted as manipulative and vindictive (Post WWII, Hitler/antisemetics/racism....take your pick) when he, as the former choir leader, is 'consequence free' and can get away with fear tactics, deception, bullying and ultimately murder. He sees the lack of consequences as an excuse to throw off decency, integrity and humanity.
The other is depicted as compassionate, rational, and demonstarted integrity by leading by example or motivating followers to accomplish tasks with logic and clear, honest communication and goals of being rescued (Plug in the moral leader of your choosing: Ghandi, Martin Luther King, JFK take your pick again). In the same consequence free environment, he still maintained the spirit of respect and cooperation that his society was hoping to teach.
After the death of the Piggy character and the rescuers get to the island, the characters are forced to reflect on their individual behaviors relative to the society that they are reintroduced to symbollically by the adults' present on the island at the end.
Guilt/innocence of the groups could be discussed, but I think the more significant message/theme is that it that we carry moral/ethical codes inside us and choose how far to stray from them in response to the contextual freedom/restrictions in any situation. In the story, those who saw a consequence free context as license to act and do what ever they wanted spiralled downhill until they lost all respect for humanity and committed murder. Of course as a piece of drama it goes to dramatic extremes.
That said, on these 'consequence free' internet forums, I have noticed a tendency to exercise the equivelent of 'beer muscle' talk. You are alone looking at a screen and it is easy to throw stuff out that wouldn't be appropriate in person. Threats, jabs, curses.... If it isn't appropriate in person, it shouldn't be appropriate here. Especially when we are not all casual or familiar friends here. We are friendly and cordial, but I don't really know any of you here personally let alone your values or anything else well enough to assume that my tone/word choice will be fine. I can not assume that you all will understand or find my jokes tolerable. I think, on this thread, the only people I have actually had direct contact with are you, Rich, and TGACE. Based on our last meeting and conversation, I would hope that we have established a healthy repoir. But, it takes a lot longer to get a feel on fellow posters purely on the posts.