Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
I believe Nixon was going to withdraw our troops back in early 70's. It is what jump started Koreagate, where many members of congress were taking "favors" from S.K. businessmen in hopes to keep US in S.K. Ironicly it was the Democrats that got caught with their hand in the cookie jar on this one.
Since China has no real power over NK at this time, I believe pulling our troops would not be the right solution. This would basicly give NK the green light to start rolling into SK. While SK does have a military, I do not feel they would fair well by themselves against NK.
I really don't know but it would not be in the best interests of North Korea to piss off China either. They are way to close, way to powerful and don't play well with others. If they roll in, when they are done, they would likely not rebuild anything like we do.
Even though the PRC has little influence over NK they are still the 300 pound Gorilla in that section of the planet and the only thing between the NK and the USA (and/or Japan). Pull China out and the NK becomes a little fish in a very big pond rather quickly
Agreed; but it's hardly a valid comparison. South Korea is excercising within their maritime boundaries as recognized within the UN. While those boundaries may not be recognized by NK, they are recognized by China. In other words, there's a reason for them to be there doing what they're doing. NK and China encroaching on US waters is a completely different story.
Actually the specific statement from China was referring to the waters off Cuba and they did not include the NK at all they may however have included Cuba.
Basically what they were saying is OK the US wants to have navel war games with SK near our borders... that's cool... how would they feel if we had Navel war games near Cuba. From our POV that may be different but from theirs it is the same thing.