War...no one showed.


2nd Black Belt
Just a thought to ponder.....
We have all these fat,hypocritical,WELL PAID politicians starting wars all over the place( I KNOW more is comming)
and we supposedly have have all these fit,young,UNDER PAID soldiers doing the fighting.
What do you think would happen if the poloticians decided to "throw a war" and nobody showed up?
Would the world collapse?
Would we all end up in the poor house because we lost interest in the "war-machine"?
I'm not starting an arguement....
I'm just curious as to what might happen...or what YOU think might happen.....
Unless the war was between 2 "good guys", someone will always show.

The 'bad guys' troops will show because they fear the punishment of their 'evil' leader.
The 'good guys' troops will show because they fear not being 'good citizens'...and the punishment of their 'good' leader.

Personally...I liked it better when the leaders lead...from the front. I'd PAY! to see Dubya vs Saddam 2 outta 3 falls in the steel cage on PPV. :)
I know this isnt really that relevant but here in britain they have laid off 10,000 soldiers due to expense and new "gadgets", but wait have jst spent £38,000 on two soldiers gettin a boob and nose job as its free if ur in the forces! So at least if they turn up they will look good!
It should be the other way around. Make yourself so scary looking that no one will fire a weapon at you because your so ugly you can not look thru the sights to fire the weapon lol lol!!!
hkg said:
I know this isnt really that relevant but here in britain they have laid off 10,000 soldiers due to expense and new "gadgets", but wait have jst spent £38,000 on two soldiers gettin a boob and nose job as its free if ur in the forces! So at least if they turn up they will look good!
On that,I am stunned.
I have only been gone from the UK for a few months....
I have missed a lot!
I can't wait til I get back to see what else is not reported over here.....
Mark Weiser said:
It should be the other way around. Make yourself so scary looking that no one will fire a weapon at you because your so ugly you can not look thru the sights to fire the weapon lol lol!!!

That is basically what the Cold War was all about... The mass build up of arms to intimidate the other guy. Space Race was about this and so were/are numerous of other stupid "bigger penis" foreign policy practices by big/small governments around the world.

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