Wow.. just, wow.
Now, I don't know the "truth" I don't live in China, wasn't there. But..
I think of a pregnant woman trying to Kill herself and her unborn child just because he wouldn't give her 50 grand, or whatever? Silly.
(by the way, I love that bit where he offers her 30 grand for an abortion, and she demands 50)
The whole story sounds screwy to me, but, a fun read.
I don't like the man personally, but have never met him in person. He's just a bit to, what is the word?... preachy for me. (hey, was raised by hippies, I can spot a hippocrate a mile away). But, I never really thought of him as a "woman beater". But I always thought of him as someone that could pretty much do what he wanted.
Your gonna have to "search your heart" dude and make up your own mind about it. You know him? Trained with him? He's your teachers, teacher? Think it out for yourself. No one online for Godssake is gonna know what really happened and/or be able to TELL you online.
I just keep thinking about the gal. either she's wanting attention, and got beat up for it?! or she's, I don't know. Maybe she likes her name in the paper. He is a kind of celebrity, right?
You'll have to make up your own mind about it, and then,.. you'll probably never really KNOW the "truth".
My opinion on it, doesn't matter a damn. nor does anyone eleses. it's just opinion, not truth.
Sorry man. Really, it sucks to have a teacher come out that way. It's no fault to you, just .. do what ya gotta do.