Wanshu Kata Question?

this style (from what their website states) is more Goju ryu that, tomarite/shorin ryu influences.

Yes, e.g. their Wankan seems to me to have quite distinctive Goju flavour in it (although my experience with Goju ryu is limited to mainly Youtube :o). The style's lineage goes like this: Matsumora - Nakasone Seiyu - Tokashiki Iken and both Nakasone and Tokashiki have practised Goju ryu, so to call this style Tomarite is a bit of a stretch.
That "wankan" looks like they peaced together bits from suparempei,shisochin,and some other kata.

I'm not familiar with Wankan myself, but my friends comment was that it looks like Wankan footwork, but all the actual techniques are from Goju
this style (from what their website states) is more Goju ryu that, tomarite/shorin ryu influences.
Gohakukai teaches Tomari-te and Goju-ryu separately. The founder, Tokashiki Iken, learned Tomari-te first, and after receiving a license to teach studied Goju-ryu. Currently, students are taught Goju-ryu first, and begin learning Tomari-te after a year or two of training.
Yes, e.g. their Wankan seems to me to have quite distinctive Goju flavour in it (although my experience with Goju ryu is limited to mainly Youtube :o). The style's lineage goes like this: Matsumora - Nakasone Seiyu - Tokashiki Iken and both Nakasone and Tokashiki have practised Goju ryu, so to call this style Tomarite is a bit of a stretch.
Nakasone did learn Tensho from Higa Seiko, who was his friend. He was not, however, a Goju-ryu stylist. Similarly, Tokashiki Iken was licensed to teach Tomari-te before he began his study of Goju-ryu. The two styles are taught separately in his association.
this style (from what their website states) is more Goju ryu that, tomarite/shorin ryu influences.
That is the website of the Tokai branch, located in Mie Prefecture, Japan. It was developed by one of the students of the branch chief, and reflects his own understanding and ideas. It may or may not coincide with the feelings at hombu dojo.

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