Anybody here practice Wally Jay's Small-Circle Jujutsu? I saw a vid clip online of one of his demos and was highly impressed. Also, a fella I trained with attended one of his seminars and was equally impressed.
A highlight of the demo I saw had Jay completely controlling a student with a finger lock, making him go anywhere he wanted him to go. Eventually, he took the man down to the ground and asked if he could get up. The man, very painfully, told Jay he couldn't get up. Then Jay told him he'd give him $1000 if he could rise. The man writhed in pain a bit, but couldn't rise. Jay then offered the man $3000 if he could rise, with the same results. Pretty funny
If you've ever seen Jay's Small-Circle Jujutsu book, the cover shows Jay basically turning somebody into a painful human pretzel. He ended the demo with that. Very cool.
A highlight of the demo I saw had Jay completely controlling a student with a finger lock, making him go anywhere he wanted him to go. Eventually, he took the man down to the ground and asked if he could get up. The man, very painfully, told Jay he couldn't get up. Then Jay told him he'd give him $1000 if he could rise. The man writhed in pain a bit, but couldn't rise. Jay then offered the man $3000 if he could rise, with the same results. Pretty funny

If you've ever seen Jay's Small-Circle Jujutsu book, the cover shows Jay basically turning somebody into a painful human pretzel. He ended the demo with that. Very cool.