Walking Stance: Pros & Cons

Interesting thread with interesting responses.

Walking stance is both basic and advanced. In KukkiTKD, as TW mentioned, it is used quite a bit in the early poomsae. It is brought back in Koryo-the 1st dan poomsae.

Kukki-TKD's walking stance is the same as seen in Okinawan karate-do.

In his book "The Secrets of Okinawan Karate-Essence and Techniques", Kyoshi Arakaki devotes an entire chapter (CH 3-Walking In Martial Arts) discussing this stance and movement generated using it. Some of the keys to using the Walking Stance is that as an initial movement, it is fairly disguised. It also allows for quick directional changes (this is one of the benefits of having a higher center of gravity though there is a corresponding lack of stability) such as the 270 degree turn in Taeguek 2 into the reverse inside middle section block.

My current form is Taeguk 2. My sabumnim has been helping me correct some of the things I have been doing wrong. Tonights lesson was with throwing the front kick from walking stance. I have been cheating and adjusting my stances between movements. Basically moving my feet back into fighting stance and then throwing the kick. He said to bend my knees a little more and then throw the kick. That seems to make it flow better and less like a stiff, jerky, robot march.

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