Wal-Mart's new "Catch and Release" policy


Sr. Grandmaster
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
[joking mode]
$25 dollar limit? Does that include tax?

I may have to remember to steal a calculator the next time I'm there, so that I can make sure I don't take anything worth more than that!
[/joking mode]


NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Wal-Mart is moving away from what it called a zero-tolerance policy on prosecuting shoplifters and will now only prosecute anyone caught taking merchandise worth $25 or more, according to a published report.

The New York Times reports the change in policy, citing internal documents from Wal-Mart that say it will now only press charges against those between the ages of 18 and 64 who take at least $25 worth of goods. Formerly its policy was to press charges against anyone who took at least $3 in goods.

The paper said the change in policy will allow Wal-Mart to concentrate on theft by professional shoplifters and its own employees. The paper said those two groups steal the bulk of merchandise from the chain.

Seriously, though, I wish they would have kept the zero-tolerance policy in effect there, simply because I hate shoplifters.
Grenadier said:
Seriously, though, I wish they would have kept the zero-tolerance policy in effect there, simply because I hate shoplifters.
But now they can cite "shrinkage" and raise their prices... :rolleyes:
Similar policy to Home Depot..Off duty cops use to work there..90% of the shoplifters caught had warrants and were carted off but Home Depot NEVER wanted to add shoplifting charges..Eventually they got rid of us and hired a private security firm that maked Barney Fife look like Baretta..
Drac said:
Similar policy to Home Depot..Off duty cops use to work there..90% of the shoplifters caught had warrants and were carted off but Home Depot NEVER wanted to add shoplifting charges..Eventually they got rid of us and hired a private security firm that maked Barney Fife look like Baretta..

SHHH! Were they the Black Belt Security that was around my area for a while? ;)

Yes, there was a security company called this. :(
Grenadier said:
[joking mode]
$25 dollar limit? Does that include tax?

I may have to remember to steal a calculator the next time I'm there, so that I can make sure I don't take anything worth more than that!
[/joking mode]


Yeah, I thought the same thing. Seems like an invitation to steal the small stuff and increase "shrinkage".

SHHH! Were they the Black Belt Security that was around my area for a while? ;)

Yes, there was a security company called this. :(

OMG, you've got to be kidding. That's pretty sad.
Jade Tigress said:
Yeah, I thought the same thing. Seems like an invitation to steal the small stuff and increase "shrinkage".

OMG, you've got to be kidding. That's pretty sad.

No kidding at all. And guess what, only the OWNER was a black belt, you did not have to be a black belt to work there. Of course you had to train with him to get "certified" to use your hands or other weapons. :rollseyes:
Rich Parsons said:
SHHH! Were they the Black Belt Security that was around my area for a while? ;)

Yes, there was a security company called this. :(

As Jade Tigress said "OMG, You've got to be kidding"..So were any of them black belt??? They better be to wear a "challenge" like that on their arm..
Drac said:
As Jade Tigress said "OMG, You've got to be kidding"..So were any of them black belt??? They better be to wear a "challenge" like that on their arm..

Like I said some trained, but no black belts.

The good thing was that he did hire guys out of the military who were in shape many times. But they were not ready for street type issues, and also were not used to people "using" them, such as becoming their friend to get close and then take them out once they were in a position to do so.
Grenadier said:
[joking mode]
$25 dollar limit? Does that include tax?

I may have to remember to steal a calculator the next time I'm there, so that I can make sure I don't take anything worth more than that!
[/joking mode]

Seriously, though, I wish they would have kept the zero-tolerance policy in effect there, simply because I hate shoplifters.

Thats very interesting... notice that alot of common things fall into that category. DVD's, CD's, books, clothing, some drugs and some computer games... I'm not sure if criminals are all that internet savvy, but I expect alot more things to start walking out the door.

on the other hand, I can understand their motivation... its hard to spend in excess of $1000 in time and money to prosecute someone who walks out with some Tic Tacs. I suppose publicizing this fact is not in their best interest, but I guess with the number of employees, it had to get out sometime, even if effort was made to keep it quiet.

I'm also wondering what kind of item normally walks out of the store... you are not normally going to be hauling out something like a TV that might be expensive. Its hard to hide that in your pocket. I guess there are some electronics that are small and expensive (memory for camera and computer immediately come to mind, PSP could fit in a pocket I guess). It would also be interesting to see what percentage of items fall within this $25 limit. I'm sure most of their theft lays in the $25 limit.

BTW Grenadier, don't joke about calculators. I'm not sure about Walmart ones, but I spent over $300 on mine hehehe. I don't think they have that version though. I think they do carry the higher end TI calculators though. I guess they fit in pockets too.

Here is something a bit disturbing too

The New York Times reports the change in policy, citing internal documents from Wal-Mart that say it will now only press charges against those between the ages of 18 and 64 who take at least $25 worth of goods. Formerly its policy was to press charges against anyone who took at least $3 in goods.

I hope they prosecute kids too... you going to let some 17 year old walk out with a ton of merchandise? or some 65 year old? Is there just a different policy towards kids and seniors?
mrhnau said:
I hope they prosecute kids too... you going to let some 17 year old walk out with a ton of merchandise? or some 65 year old? Is there just a different policy towards kids and seniors?

Since I'm past 17 I guess I'll have to wait until I'm 65 so I can get away with it. :) Gotta wait for my next age appropriate window of opportunity
Sweet, now I can steal the $20 PS2 games from the big bins with no worry of prosecution.

Seriously though, this just seems like a dumb policy. I gotta believe that CD's and DVD's are amoung the most commonly shoplifted items, and now they are not going to prosecute people for it? Weird.
I suppose they figure stealing more than one CD at a time would make it over the $25 limit and those who will steal are too lazy to make all those trips back and forth to make it worth while.
theletch1 said:
I suppose they figure stealing more than one CD at a time would make it over the $25 limit and those who will steal are too lazy to make all those trips back and forth to make it worth while.
I just had a vision of one of those Wal-Mart door greeters calling for a price check on a shoplifted item and then saying, "Thanks for shoplifting at Wal-Mart." :uhyeah:
Should be at zero tolerance, most shoplifters start small and work their way up....catch'm early and the issue will largely be taken care of.
This article makes my twisted little mind think...

Hmm. I can steal 25 dollars worth of items, and if they prosecute me I can sue them, since they said up to 25 dollars was acceptable.
from what i understand they may not stop you when they see you shop lifting they will just gather vidio evidence or something against you adn then bust you when you reach likea 500 doller limit so that its a fellony... atleast that was the logic used to explain it to me .... as we where walking into walmart discussing the issue lol
Hello, Everywhere in America this a a major problem for all business's.

People have no morals...our laws and system...does not work...petty thiefs do not serve time (cause of over crowding of the hard cores).

Stealing is a habit which gives some trills to the aveage person and makes them want more of this high.

Did you know in Japan you can leave your bags/stuffs outside a restauant go in and eat something...most likely it will still be there! (not all of Japan)...just most places...The people in Japan have a stronger value as a person, they have more respect of other people and their belongings.

The cost to take a person to court is too costly too! Cheaper to kick them out of the store......Aloha

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