Wacky stuff I've heard about firearms

Being laugh at by a man with a doll, for not having a doll is something I can live with.

I'm sure you're used to it.

You are of course at liberty to consider guns a martial art, but most of the rest of the ma community seem to disagree, including the owners of this site, as they haven't included a messing about with guns section as one of the listed martial arts

Ahhhh, I get it. You don't understand how the forums are structured. Arts are broken down by their culture (Japanese, Korean, etc) with weapons arts being discussed in a sub-forum called (pay attention here, it's complicated...) The Armoury. Each Sub-Forum (Korean Arts, the Armoury etc) has one or more specialty forum. Any specialty art (Taekwondo or Kumdo for Korea, for example) that gets discussed enough gets it own specialty forum. If gun use were heavily discussed, we'd split that off from the General sub-forum. If specifics got enough use, we'd further break that down into handguns, rifles, and shotguns, or even individual brand specialty forums, if use warranted.
Personally, I find it amusing that you're trying to tell staff how we organize the forums.
I'm sure you're used to it.

Ahhhh, I get it. You don't understand how the forums are structured. Arts are broken down by their culture (Japanese, Korean, etc) with weapons arts being discussed in a sub-forum called (pay attention here, it's complicated...) The Armoury. Each Sub-Forum (Korean Arts, the Armoury etc) has one or more specialty forum. Any specialty art (Taekwondo or Kumdo for Korea, for example) that gets discussed enough gets it own specialty forum. If gun use were heavily discussed, we'd split that off from the General sub-forum. If specifics got enough use, we'd further break that down into handguns, rifles, and shotguns, or even individual brand specialty forums, if use warranted.
Personally, I find it amusing that you're trying to tell staff how we organize the forums.
I though the arnour
I'm sure you're used to it.

Ahhhh, I get it. You don't understand how the forums are structured. Arts are broken down by their culture (Japanese, Korean, etc) with weapons arts being discussed in a sub-forum called (pay attention here, it's complicated...) The Armoury. Each Sub-Forum (Korean Arts, the Armoury etc) has one or more specialty forum. Any specialty art (Taekwondo or Kumdo for Korea, for example) that gets discussed enough gets it own specialty forum. If gun use were heavily discussed, we'd split that off from the General sub-forum. If specifics got enough use, we'd further break that down into handguns, rifles, and shotguns, or even individual brand specialty forums, if use warranted.
Personally, I find it amusing that you're trying to tell staff how we organize the forums.
The armoury doesn't have a fire arm section, it has knives and swords etc But no guns, I suppose it could come under general weapons, but hey so could beer bottles,

I'm sorry you fell threatens by someone thinking your OBEssion n with causing death is a MIGht odd. I can understand it with these americans, they have a kill first let God sort it out attitude,The sanctity of human life is generally held a bit higher in the uk
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I though the arnour

The armoury doesn't have a fire arm section, it has knives and swords etc But no guns, I suppose it could come under general weapons, but hey so could beer bottles,

I'm sorry you fell threatens by someone thinking your OBEssion n with causing death is a MIGht odd. I can understand it with these americans, they have a kill first let God sort it out attitude,The sanctity of human life is generally held a bit higher in the uk
That's a blatantly obvious trolling attempt. Not really worthy, at all. Also could be seen as a political statement.
That's a blatantly obvious trolling attempt. Not really worthy, at all. Also could be seen as a political statement.
Some part of America have a death rate higher than a war zone, that not a political statement that's a fact.

They let people die who can't afford medICal care and they execute people,. So what part of not caring as much for human life is incorrect
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Some part of America have a death rate higher than a war zone, that not a political statement that's a fact.
So, a fact (with pretty sketchy terminology) leads you to a trolling generalization about all Americans.
So, a fact (with pretty sketchy terminology) leads you to a trolling generalization about all Americans.

You shouldn't be surprised, he doesn't like the UK much either or at least the police, the military and most people in general :rolleyes:
So, a fact (with pretty sketchy terminology) leads you to a trolling generalization about all Americans.
Not all but it seems a prevailing concept, as above in my edit, people with no money are allowed to die for want of medicine and execution take place. That's not high on the sanctity of life issUe,
Not all but it seems a prevailing concept, as above in my edit, people with no money are allowed to die for want of medicine and execution take place. That's not high on the sanctity of life issUe,
Ah, and that generalization isn't at all political. Got it.
Ah, and that generalization isn't at all political. Got it.
Only in as much a believing human life is sacred is Polictial, so that me and the pope
It's not political in the uk, we banned most guns, treat the sick and haven't hung anyone in 50 years, they are not political issues here,
we banned most guns, ------ they are not political issues here,

Actually, "guns" are a constant ongoing political item (as is the health service and crime/punishment).

And technically very few are banned, they're simply subject to a variety of licencing and usage restrictions that make some more difficult to acquire legally than they once were.
Actually, "guns" are a constant ongoing political item (as is the health service and crime/punishment).

And technically very few are banned, they're simply subject to a variety of licencing and usage restrictions that make some more difficult to acquire legally than they once were.
Very few, hundreds of assault rifles are banned and auto/ semi auto guns are banned, what you can have in your home is very very limited, those you can Only have at a range are banned for every other use. carry guns about with you is limited to the security services,

There are no mainstream polictions looking to deregulate guns, let poor people die of illness or start exIcuting people, sO it's really up really just UKIP and a faFew Tory loons
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Obviously that picture above doesn't constitute an exhaustive list...

You can have sporting rifles,And non auto shotguns everything else is banned, however you measure it that a lot more band than not
And how many of them not banned guns can you Cary around with you ? None, that makes them banned, Every else than your home or the range or other private land
Obviously that picture above doesn't constitute an exhaustive list...

The one marked 'illegal in UK but legal in NI' is only partly true, only certain people are allowed to carry such as prison officers, police when off duty and others considered at risk from terrorists which still like to kill people despite the Good Friday Agreement.

Actually, "guns" are a constant ongoing political item

Well not so much really, it comes up sporadically but there's no big push one way or another about weapons, too many other issues that need sorting.
The one marked 'illegal in UK but legal in NI' is only partly true, only certain people are allowed to carry such as prison officers, police when off duty and others considered at risk from terrorists which still like to kill people despite the Good Friday Agreement.

I'm using "allowed to possess" as the definition of legal to own, carrying any of them (or any item if you intend it as a weapon, whether that's it's primary purpose or not) is "banned" for almost all civilians.

Well not so much really, it comes up sporadically but there's no big push one way or another about weapons, too many other issues that need sorting

It's a constant political issue for the various campaign groups, for and against.

I think it's a shame there are so many other issues (not because it detracts from firearm discussion, but because we as a country actually have so many issues).
It's a constant political issue for the various campaign groups, for and against.

Really? it's not an issue which actually finds many people bothered about. Campaign groups, well, yes each only having a few members, the general public isn't much interested. Several of the gun lobby groups here are financed and supported from the US, I assume they plan to sell weapons if they were to succeed in their campaign so it's a merchandising campaign more than an actual belief we ought to have more guns.

I think it's a shame there are so many other issues (not because it detracts from firearm discussion, but because we as a country actually have so many issues).

Yeah but we are lucky, they are First World issues.

I'm using "allowed to possess" as the definition of legal to own, carrying any of them (or any item if you intend it as a weapon, whether that's it's primary purpose or not) is "banned" for almost all civilians.

Actually in NI they aren't 'owned' they are issued hence allowing them to be 'legal'.
Actually in NI they aren't 'owned' they are issued hence allowing them to be 'legal'.

I was under the impression that private and personal handgun ownership was still legal in NI.

I never bothered to look into it because it has no bearing on me, so I'm perfectly happy to be completely wrong about that.

(Oh, and I didn't make that image either, I just grabbed it off the 'net)
I was under the impression that private and personal handgun ownership was still legal in NI.

I never bothered to look into it because it has no bearing on me, so I'm perfectly happy to be completely wrong about that.

(Oh, and I didn't make that image either, I just grabbed it off the 'net)

I've had to work there and have been one of the 'carriers'. Private ownership of handguns has to be by licence and is very rarely granted.

There is still an inordinate amount of weapons in the Province which were smuggled in by terrorist groups, paid for by American fund raising. The Police Service of Northern Ireland is one of two police forces in the UK that are routinely armed. There is a lot of misinformation about NI, especially on American sites because people don't understand the Troubles and the situation there.

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