Voting Age

  • Thread starter Thread starter MartialArtist68
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Phoenix44 said:
What's the difference! The 18 year olds don't vote anyway!

And hardly anyone else does either.:vu:

Do you have a site to reference this?

I ask, because I thought it was the other way around. The old and the young vote, it is the middle that is lazy or too busy or feel frustrated and do not. Yet, I do not ahve my sources, so I state it as this is what I believe from what I heard, and would like to know if you do have a site, to educate myself on.

No disrespect, just curious.

michaeledward said:
2 Questions:

Concerning non-citizens - They are required to pay taxes, should we extend the right to vote to 'Green Carded' foreign nationals?

Are you asking about voting, or railing against taxes?


I am saying that if I can't vote, I mind paying taxes. Yes, I beleive green-carded citizens need the right to vote, as should they be allowed to be president.
MartialArtist68 said:
I am saying that if I can't vote, I mind paying taxes. Yes, I beleive green-carded citizens need the right to vote, as should they be allowed to be president.
I see.

I live in New Hampshire, where we have no state income tax. Yet, I earn wages in Massachusetts, which does have a state income tax, and therefore, I am required to pay Massachusetts State Income Tax on the wages I earn in Massachusetts. You are proposing that I should have the right to vote in both states? That sounds like trouble to me.

It may be helpful to figure out why a community levies and collects taxes. Might I suggest 'The Myth of Ownership', a book that argues that there is no such thing as "pre-tax money"; regardless of voting rights.

Voting Rights and Taxes are two seperate subjects of discussion, and should be discussed independent of each other. I think that linking them creates an artificial construct.

kenpo tiger said:
Steve - Spanking is legal in Indiana? KT

Yes it is. It is rarely used, but it is allowed. Schools follow protocols to insure impropriety. At local schools here the spanker has to have a witness--another teacher or adminstrator.

Please understand I don't approve of this, but it does add perspective to the argument.

MartialArtist68, are you aware of what a "green card" is and who has them?



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