Vlad Koulikov seminar review

Tony Dismukes

MT Moderator
Staff member
One of my favorite activities for a weekend is attending martial arts seminars. I've been to well over a hundred seminars with dozens of different instructors over the last 40 years.

This past Saturday I was lucky enough to attend a seminar with Vlad Koulikov. I'd say it was one of the top three seminars I've been to. Vlad has a ton of great material, explains both details and concepts well, and is a friendly, encouraging coach. I picked up some great details on techniques I already knew and even encountered a few moves I hadn't seen before.

Because it was a seminar and not a regular class, Vlad went through material at a pretty good clip. He'd show a technique, circulate around the map to answer questions and offer some coaching. Once he saw that most people had the general idea, then he'd move on to the next technique. I think it worked out to about 8 minutes per technique for demonstration and practice and answering questions. Fortunately, he grouped techniques according to common concepts and setup positions, so it wasn't too overwhelming of a pace. I got just enough of each technique that I should be able to remember and drill them all in the weeks to come.

We had two sessions - 2 hours in the morning with gi and 2 hours in the afternoon no-gi. To the best of my memory, here's what we went over:

Entering into a underhook belt grip, then from the belt grip executing
Harai Goshi
Tai Otoshi
O Uchi Gari
Tani Otoshi
Sumi Gaeshi (as a counter to the underhook belt grip)

On the ground, we covered 3 ways to break an opponent's grips when finishing an arm bar from the top, then a high percentage armbar escape for the person on the bottom. (With a little side excursion into how the usual version of that escape could be countered.)

Then we wrapped up with 4 leglock options from the saddle position.

For the no-gi session, we set up our takedowns from a two-on-one position. After showing some details for properly securing the two-on-one, we covered
Throw-by to a back take
Single-leg takedown
Fireman's carry
Sumi gaeshi
switching to a keylock grip for a sacrifice throw that I've seen before but don't know the name of
snap down to a headlock for another sumi gaeshi variation
a couple of counters for the most common counters to a two-on-one
3 different throws as counter to the two-one-one

We also covered some immediate entries into chokes from a couple of the throws.

Then on the ground, we went over
A turnover and choke entry against an opponent in turtle position
A sequence for entering into the guillotine from bottom of guard, with some follow ups if the initial choke doesn't work.

All very solid material and a lot of very useful details that I hope will improve my game in the upcoming months.

One final amazing thing about the seminar: the cost was only $40 for 4 hours. I almost never see instructors of this caliber available at that price. I've paid more than twice that for instructors with a fraction of Vlad's credentials and teaching ability.

For anyone who has the opportunity to train with Vlad Koulikov, I strongly recommend it.
For those not familiar with Vlad Koulikov, here's some highlights of his career:

Vlad Koulikov started his training in the prestigious and famous Sambo academy Sambo 70 in 1984.
His most noted victories are gold and silver medals in two all Soviet cups.
Upon his arrival to the US he medaled in three US Open events and had the honor to represent America in Combat Sambo World Championship.
Vlad also started participating in submission grappling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournaments without having any proper training.
His became multiple Grapplers Quest and NAGA medalist and won award “Most technical fighter” at the very first Grapplers Quest as well as World champion in Combat Wrestling in 2017.
In 2013 Vlad’s proper BJJ training began when he met Mike Palladino who introduced him to Rafael “Formiga” Barbosa.
Vlad received his BJJ black belt in 2017.
Vlad also won Shuai Jiao Nationals in 2018, competing one weight division up for the sake of the team.
Professor Koulikov teaches at his academy Koulikov Grappling Academy (KGA) in Edinburg TX.
Vlad teaches exciting blend of Sambo and BJJ, which he calls “Sambo and BJJ fusion”.
Vlad travels with seminars and has quite a few instruction DVDs with Budovideos, BJJ Fanatics, Digitsu and is a featured instructor on Grappler’s Guide.
Awesome, good on ya Tony. I LOVE seminars. And even if I don't retain any new things learned, there's always something I pick up that shifts how I view training or an idea or perspective that changes how approach something. And THAT is worth going for.

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