Visualization & Intent

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Visualization - formation of mental visual images

Intent - Something that is intended; an aim or purpose

Do you feel visualization relates to success in martial arts?

Do you feel Intent relates to success in Martial arts?

Do you feel that 1 is less important than the other or that neither is important at all?
Visualization is helpful in directing energy

Intent is necessary to execute a technique sucessfully. The stronger the intent is, the more power that can be generated.

I would say each have their purpose.
visualization and intent relate to success, period.

here's the short version of a workshop i do with teens from time to time.

step one: work the 'unbending arm' concept

step two: point out that, with the application of imagination and intent, they literally accomplished the impossible.

step three: underscore that imagination + intent = power

step four: ask about whether or not, when they get nervous, the students start to imagine what they're nervous about

step five: ask whether, when imagining what they're nervous about, the students imagine it going well or poorly

step six: ask what might happen, given that we've just proved how powerful imagination and intent are, if they instead imagined that thing going very well.

step seven: open the floor for discussion of how we can turn this into a lifetime tool.

seriously. visualization and intent are related to success in all venues, including martial arts.
Hello, Visualization helps you do things without this.

This is what give the Russian and East Germans so many Oylmpic metals...research this (HOW).....than you will understand this....Aloha
Thanks, I needed that. :asian:

Thank you for the replies.

I agree

I feel Visualization is very important to achieving what you desire to achieve be it a front snap kick, black belt or just about anything else and intent is equally as important for without intent visualization is just day dreaming.

And I guess it is not just because I am dinosaur that I think this way after all.

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