visit to karate dojo

I don't know about Funakoshi's 'Karate Kyohan' being obsolete. Try reading His book 'Karate Nyomon' as well. More of the philosophy of karate do. Both books give you a perspective of the foundation of the shotokan karate do.

I've heard some people who follow Egami(sp) express that very opinion. Those of you who've seen followers of Mr. Egami's teachers know they've diverged a bit from what is considered textbook JKA shotokan karate.

For Manny, it is a bit weird that the chain of schools is called Okinawan Karate-do if it's shotokan that is taught. Just another reason to consult your sensei and ask for his guidance for any source books to read.
No disrespect to Shotokai(Egami's karate) but from what I have seen(the way they perform kata) their karate is less than what Egami learned from Funakoshi in the first place. I realize they concentrait on the Esoteric aspect of karate do, but karate should be functional. From what I have seen their stances are too broad to be effective. And their techniques look too soft to be what I see as karate. Now granted I have not practiced karate do for 60 years like Egami did or Harada has, but I have trained hard for the last 28 years and feel I know somewhat if somethink is effective or not. To me the Shotokai looks more like Taichi, not that Taichi isn't effective, but Karate is Karate and Taichi is Taichi, I generally don't get confused between the two. I know other Shotokai pracitioners that are towards the mainstream Shotokan karate do. Its just an opinion.

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