Violence against women

A group of assailants will be considered by me to be deadly force regardless of gender, unless, like, by some freak circumstance I am beset by 37 walker-wielding grannies, in which case I can simply walk away at normal speed. *shrug*

Danger Will Robinson!

We had a granny, must've been 65 - 70 at least, in our class a month back... at the end she got on one of the biggest Harleys I've seen and roared out of the dojo lot....walk away at normal speed and you'll be road kill!
A male, under no circumstances, should strike a female. That's why we learned how to block.
But, every block IS a strike...
kelly said:
I think that a woman attacker can be a real threat on more than one level


women can be vicious. I had a friend I was friends with for almost ten years from 1993 to new years 1999. on the night we had a party to celebrate the coming of the year 2000, this young woman, who was built like butch, suddenly went crazy and turned on me. The reason? I had dated a guy and she didnt wanna hear it. I suspect she was also upset i went away to university and she had less control cause she did the same thing to another one of her friends when she went to university. I got out of the house before she got physically violent. The verbal stuff was bad though. (of course knew no martial arts then.)