Video From The Daily Show, Marines In Berkeley

Attention all dudes. If you want to kiss and/or get laid by some hot hippie chicks, pretend to be a potential recruit for the marines. Yeah, I know, it's not ideal because code pink is "doin it" for the cause, but one might as well reap the benefits while it lasts.
Yeah, I prefer my women attractive and bathed...
Great video from the Daily show. A must see! I have to say, that so far this is my best example of how Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Apparently, the concept of "satire" - much less "political satire" - has passed you by. This is not news - it is comedy, and it was staged. Based on real events, yes; also significantly exaggerated for effect. If you wish to see a more realistic report, you can look here. Nor is Berkeley the only location to protest Marine recruiters, as a simply google search eliminating Berkeley shows. Or perhaps using internet search engines for such purposes is too "liberal" for you :idunno:; after all, free access to information is a very liberal concept. :)
That is a good use of regular expressions in the google search, Mrs. Kacey, I would give you reputation points, but I am unable to, the system refuses to accept it.

Not quite, Rob. They're not as 'famous' as the SAS because they're Navy and thus less involved with the sort of operations that catch the media limelight. The SBS are just as good and do the same sort of operations but do it either underwater or from the water.

I understand, now. From reading the list of "skills", it looks like these troops are much like the Underwater Demolition Teams (UDT), the so-called BUD/SEALs -- Basic Underwater Demolition in our US Navy. That is very impressive. I have read Andy McNab's book, and so I know a *little* about this SAS. Top Notch! I salute them.

Yes -- when you view this movie, you must understand that it was exaggerated for the effect of making it funny -- it is entertaining in a way to see this -- the folks are a parady of themselves.

Also -- surely no one can say that is is not of ABSOLUTE IMPORTANCE that ANY of the young people who are inclined to join the armed forces -- especially the Marine Corps -- be very aware that this is very dangerous. They must be reminded of this. Sure, there is a lot of pride, and other advantages, but there is DANGER, too.

Attention all dudes. If you want to kiss and/or get laid by some hot hippie chicks, pretend to be a potential recruit for the marines. Yeah, I know, it's not ideal because code pink is "doin it" for the cause, but one might as well reap the benefits while it lasts.

This message is brought to you by for the future and beyond!

Haha! <newGuy12 wonders if that would work> Hahahaha!
You are talking about the British SAS -- The Regiment at Hereford, right???

I have a friend who is a US Marine right now -- he is on his freaking fourth tour now. I was joking once -- I said that the US Army Rangers is what we have here that is like the Regiment. He threw a fit a little -- he got a little exited about that, and then He said that the SAS is the ONLY guys that he saw in the field over there that he would have no problem with them having his back -- no joke -- and this guy has busted in rooms and all of that.

He says that they are everything that is said about them -- the original commandos, no joking!!!

Now, this movie may have been better placed in the comedy thread, that's not for me to say, but I swear to you all, I almost passed out from laughing so hard when they showed those people dressed up silly outside the office and then in the window you can see those guys doing pull ups and such -- its just too much. Hahahahaha I can see it now, if one of those guys walked outside and hit one of those people -- BAM! Martial arts or no martial arts, it would probably be a knockout! Hahahaha!!!

My friend who is a US Marine advised me to join the BJJ school here to be "a bully" -- take the fight TO the freaking opponent, that school instills the meanness to the students -- but I am too old for that! He told me that he sometimes is sick and wants to throw up and have a headache when he walks out -- if it has that affect on him, it would most likely KILL me!!!

Hahahahahahaha!!! If anyone thinks that the youth of this country is of no value, they have not met my friend, thats all that I can say!!!


Argh NO NO NO!
The SAS are pretty damn good but the SBS can do everything they can plus they can do it in water! The SAS has a habit of pinching the credit for the SBS' work.
The SAS is army based, anyone in the Army or the RAF can apply for selection, they pop off to the Brecon Beacons and have a jolly time and either get chosen or more likley return to their units but the SBS is made up of specially trained Royal Marine Commandos. Commandos are very well trained and quite lethal in themselves but those that get chosen for the Boat Squadron are that bit meaner, faster and deadlier. Think riding on the outside of the Apache helicopters to get to a fight and rescue a fellow Marine, that was the "ordinary" marines (fondly known as bootnecks or booties) so you can imagine what the Boat Squadron chaps do!
Oi Navyvet, I'm a liberal, chase me.....................
The hired actor is a former MARINE. And although this was done in humor it in know way belittles the facts.
Regarding my "purpose" I don't need pseudo intellectuals to try and figure out my "Purpose"
The city does not have a right to restrict recruitment! As long as said city accepts federal tax dollars they have no right to deny recruitment centers, if they did have the right the Marines would not be there any longer and I do believe they are still there in the cess pool called Berkeley.
As a U.S. Navy vet that worked with many Marines, and having a son that is a U.S. Marine Recruiter i can tell you first hand that they ARE the best of the best.
Semper Fi & Anchors Away.

And I don't need people resorting to taking personal shots in the thread. Lets keep things civil in here folks. The Study tends to get a little heated at times, due to the differences of opinion, but again, taking shots is not necessary.

Thank you.

I have to agree with Sukerkin. As a former Marine, I appreciate your passion, navyvet. But right now you're at ten; we need you at about a seven. :asian:

Cory, i hear ya and agree, 7 max.! I must admit to enjoying getting people to left all fired up. Now let me explain why i came on here and started out like a steam roller. While reading all the posts on the study it was evident who the people on the left were they spoke with for the most part unopposed vitriol about conservatism, morals and religion, and yes i wanted to fight back, my bad, i guess, and the people who i perceived as conservative on here ( and it seems as if their is not many ) weren't offering equal opposition.
So there it is, if I've offended anyone then see the above explanation.
One more thing, master, Please don't think that just because a Sailor is assigned to a fighting ship that he doesn't get his opportunities to fight in actual combat. Do some research on the UNITED STATES NAVY and you will find that they have the most feared special forces of ANY Military, and even without the special forces, the combination of the United States Marines & the United States Navy is the most formidable force the world has ever known.
Semper Fi and Anchors away.
It never fails to amaze me that only in America are the words 'left' and 'liberal' seen as insults of the worst kind and where to the rest of the world fascism is seen as the ideal. Yes navyvet you are espousing the cause of fascism something the free world fought and died to stamp out. It may surprise you to learn that the rest of the world actually regards America as liberal because to us the word means 'free' and 'democratic'. It is seen also as fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan for those very liberal values ie morals, ethics and freedom of speech you seem to think liberals don't believe it.
I suspect you actually mean communists and are making the common mistake of thinking liberalism and socialism are the same as communism when in fact they are very different concepts.
Cory, i hear ya and agree, 7 max.! I must admit to enjoying getting people to left all fired up. Now let me explain why i came on here and started out like a steam roller. While reading all the posts on the study it was evident who the people on the left were they spoke with for the most part unopposed vitriol about conservatism, morals and religion, and yes i wanted to fight back, my bad, i guess, and the people who i perceived as conservative on here ( and it seems as if their is not many ) weren't offering equal opposition.
So there it is, if I've offended anyone then see the above explanation.
One more thing, master, Please don't think that just because a Sailor is assigned to a fighting ship that he doesn't get his opportunities to fight in actual combat. Do some research on the UNITED STATES NAVY and you will find that they have the most feared special forces of ANY Military, and even without the special forces, the combination of the United States Marines & the United States Navy is the most formidable force the world has ever known.
Semper Fi and Anchors away.

Obviously it's your patriotic duty to say that but actually several countries have spec forces equal to and in some cases superior to the Americans. Don't assume superior numbers will always carry the day.
It never fails to amaze me that only in America are the words 'left' and 'liberal' seen as insults of the worst kind and where to the rest of the world fascism is seen as the ideal. Yes navyvet you are espousing the cause of fascism something the free world fought and died to stamp out. It may surprise you to learn that the rest of the world actually regards America as liberal because to us the word means 'free' and 'democratic'. It is seen also as fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan for those very liberal values ie morals, ethics and freedom of speech you seem to think liberals don't believe it.
I suspect you actually mean communists and are making the common mistake of thinking liberalism and socialism are the same as communism when in fact they are very different concepts.

Its because our Democrat Party co-opted the term as their birthright and warped it into something Europeans wouldnt recognize as liberalism. Our founding fathers were liberals. Our current liberals are socialists. Our Republican Party then built their platform on the "individual rights"/"keep gvt. out of our busniess" byline. Its all crap. They are all politicians who pander for votes. But the issues have become so deliniated by party that you cant figure out who you despise least.

...the word &#8216;Fascism&#8217; is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation, of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else... almost any English person would accept &#8216;bully&#8217; as a synonym for &#8216;Fascist&#8217;

-George Orwell
Obviously it's your patriotic duty to say that but actually several countries have spec forces equal to and in some cases superior to the Americans. Don't assume superior numbers will always carry the day.

Lets not start that crap. We do just fine at killing people and breaking things so lets just leave it at that. Last I heard we were allies anyways.
Wikipedias definition of "Classical Liberalism"

"Classical liberalism is liberalism, but the current collectivists have captured that designation in the United States. Happily they did not capture it in Europe, and were glad enough to call themselves socialists. But no one in America wants to be called socialist and admit what they are."

"Beginning in the late nineteenth century, and especially after 1930 in the United States, the term liberalism came to be associated with a very different emphasis, particularly in economic policy. It came to be associated with a readiness to rely primarily on the state rather than on private voluntary arrangements to achieve objectives regarded as desirable. The catchwords became welfare and equality rather than freedom. The nineteenth century liberal regarded an extension of freedom as the most effective way to promote welfare and equality; the twentieth century liberal regards welfare and equality as either prerequisites of or alternatives to freedom. In the name of welfare and equality, the twentieth-century liberal has come to favor a revival of the very policies of state intervention and paternalism against which classical liberalism fought. In the very act of turning the clock back to seventeenth-century mercantilism, he is fond of castigating true liberals as reactionary!"[49]

How I WISH WISH WISH! We had a party that truly subscribed to it.
Obviously it's your patriotic duty to say that but actually several countries have spec forces equal to and in some cases superior to the Americans. Don't assume superior numbers will always carry the day.

Yo Tez, 1st of all i was referring to the Navy Seals, which is a very small special op's unit, and the Marines are also a very small branch of our Military, neither of the above relies on "Superior Numbers" they are all about skill and attitude, do a Google search and you'll see their numbers.
And don't get me wrong, i absolutely respect the British Military, the Brit's and Americans are brothers in fighting tyranny. But, i only have history here to back me up when i say, WHO YA GONNA CALL.
I was going to do that but didn't dare for fear of causing offence, particularly as we're cautiously working our way towards an accomodation so that we can have meaningful and un-acrimonious debates on certain powder-keg issues.
I was going to do that but didn't dare for fear of causing offence, particularly as we're cautiously working our way towards an accomodation so that we can have meaningful and un-acrimonious debates on certain powder-keg issues.

Say it Brother, you can't offend me! That's part of the problem with this world we live in, everybody is sooooo soft and easy to offend. In the eye's of our Grandfathers were all cowards for being reluctant to say what we feel and for tolerating things that we feel is an abomination.
Thankyou for that and I shall bear it in mind for later chats - it is always good to know when you can be 'straight' with someone without giving offense (something that it is notoriously easy to do on the Net).

I do think that there is something to what you say there at the end, when you mention tolerating things rather than speaking up. It's a very English way of dealing with social conflicts tho' - we'll chunter and mutter behind our handkerchiefs about how disgraceful something is but never speak up publically. The result of that is that nothing changes, or in fact gets worse.
Let me quote two lines from that interviewÂ…

Hippy chick protesting the Marines who swear to protect the constitution
“… We need to protect free speech”
“If only there was an organization to protect free speech…”
Hippy Chick
“That would be great”
They donÂ’t even know what they are protestingÂ…. A social event is not a protestÂ….

“So if we got rid of police there would be no crime?”
Hippy chick in deep thoughtÂ…
Even a Marine knows the flawed logic in thisÂ….
(sorry x-ranger I had to get in a dig)