Very interesting Sea Creatures

Thank you, Tess, for posting the case AGAINST scuba diving....

I actually saw a few of those giant squid specimens during my last visit to the natural history museum in DC. They freaked the hell out of my girlfriend at the time.
Wow, how freaky! :erg: Some of those fish look like they should be an odd type of Pokemon instead of real creatures! The first fish on the top of the page is down right scary though. :anic:

A lot of those fish/creatures I recognized right away... but a couple of them.. like the one that is third down from the top... ????? huh????
But largely most of those creatures are found way way deep down in the ocean or just deep down ... so swimming in open water isn't likely going to have a meeting with them.
One of those fishy's is the angler fish that was seen in Finding Nemo... :)
Same here, could identify several right off, but a few were quite different. I found a reference for them here. Chances are that if you see any of these guys on a scuba dive, there are bigger problems to be dealt with.
Oh ma gosh... those are freaky!!!! Where's all the pretty little purple, blue and yellow happy fish?
awww Here ya go MJ ~!! Just for you.. now don't forget to water and give them hugs *giggles*


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Yeah most of those nasties, including the giant squid, are deep sea stuff, that we pretty much will never get to see alive, much less interact with. I think a few of those pics are lampreys or a relative of them. Now those things aren't deep sea fish and they aren't even necessarily salt water fish. We got a ton of them here in Lake Erie. Ugly nasty buggers.
Yeah...Thanks Tess!:partyon: I especially like the yellow smiling fish! :) Those other creatures give me the willies :uhohh: ...OULobo no offensive, but I'm steering clear of Lake Erie...appropriately named I might add!:)
I've seen many of those on Iron Chef. Anglerfish, in particular, supposedly matches well with light citrus and plum wine. They made the liver into ice cream, saying it had a subtle, sophisticated flavor. Looked like a big loogie to me.

Nutty Japanese!
KenpoTess said:
awww Here ya go MJ ~!! Just for you.. now don't forget to water and give them hugs *giggles*
Hey one on the left looks like Dory! (Finding Nemo)... "Hey! I saw a boat... it went...that way c'mon!".... "Wow! I wish I could speak whale." "Geez. what is it with you males and asking for directions?" :lol:
MACaver said:
Hey one on the left looks like Dory! (Finding Nemo)... "Hey! I saw a boat... it went...that way c'mon!".... "Wow! I wish I could speak whale." "Geez. what is it with you males and asking for directions?" :lol:
"You see, I have short-term memory loss....Yeah, it runs in my family. At least I think it does.... Hmm.... Where are they?................Can I help you?"

Dory is my camp name.
shesulsa said:
"You see, I have short-term memory loss....Yeah, it runs in my family. At least I think it does.... Hmm.... Where are they?................Can I help you?"

Dory is my camp name.
I shall call you squishy and you shall be mine, you shall be my squishy, come here squishy ZAP! Bad squishy, Bad SQUISHY!