INSANE! Video clip of man and shark

I got the willies in me just watching the guy. The fish in the clip had more sense then this fella. They were all swimmimg in the opposite direction!

What's the problem?

What's the problem?
Problem? First of all are these guys trained/educated experts with GWS behavior (no such thing... they're still the most mysterious fish in the sea... lots is being learned but the why's are still a mystery)?
Irwin was an educated/well-trained/highly experienced croc expert. Sure he seemed reckless but he knew what he was doing, also wrassling an croc/alligator is one thing... screwing around with a 15 foot great white shark is something else. So Irwin gets in a sticky with a croc... he's always had at least a half dozen guys around to help get his butt out of the fire.
If one of those divers gets in a sticky with the GWS how many are going to swim in (fast enough) to help the guy out? Whites have been observed to bite and hold their prey and drag them straight to the bottom (remember those blokes had NO air tanks) then let go... idea being the prey will either drown or bleed to death in it's struggles to reach the surface. Crocs do the same thing in the wild and do that death-roll thingy and find a nice underwater tree to stick you under. The amount of damage that an "accidental" (exploratory) bite from a GWS is devestating. Not to mention that the animal likes to shake it's head violently so being able to survive that would even give Superman envy.
My post wasn't meant to excuse these idiots MA-Caver, it was meant as a joke. Asking "What's the problem?" with a picture of a wildlife expert who was fatally injured by one of the wildlife he was handling seemed funny and at the same time poignant to me. Obviously, YYMV.
I also need to ask what's the problem... sharks need to eat too.

Face it no matter what training these guys who are "swimming with sharks" have they cannot be all too bright if they are free diving and taunting a great white shark.

Also nothing against Irwin, he definitely knew what he was doing, but it was my understanding that he had no formal education in animal behavior. I thought I read somewhere that he did not go to college he learned working with his father.
My post wasn't meant to excuse these idiots MA-Caver, it was meant as a joke. Asking "What's the problem?" with a picture of a wildlife expert who was fatally injured by one of the wildlife he was handling seemed funny and at the same time poignant to me. Obviously, YYMV.
Oh... my bad! LOL... ok... :D
Xue Shing said:
Also nothing against Irwin, he definitely knew what he was doing, but it was my understanding that he had no formal education in animal behavior. I thought I read somewhere that he did not go to college he learned working with his father.
Well okay not a FORMAL education but an education at least. :D
If they were nature concientious they'd at least have the decency not to wear those wetsuits, poor white shark would take a good month to digest that ;p.

All I can say is watching that video made ME nervous, but then again I grew up with Roy Schieder and a two-note melody that haunts me to this day ;p.

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