Very First Belt Promotion!

Hello everyone, and thanks again for your support. I have continued in Kajukenbo since my belt promotion and am getting ready for the next on in mid April.

My instructor told me in class the other day that I would move up another belt (after April) and then after July when I turn 18, he's putting me into the adult class. I am joyed and kinda..nervous...XD I will be able to learn more advanced material through an adult class than a teens class but I'm nervous because it is a whole new level...and they are adults and not teens that are shorter than

Anywho, I'll probably be fine when the transistion comes, hopefully.
Hello everyone, and thanks again for your support. I have continued in Kajukenbo since my belt promotion and am getting ready for the next on in mid April.

My instructor told me in class the other day that I would move up another belt (after April) and then after July when I turn 18, he's putting me into the adult class. I am joyed and kinda..nervous...XD I will be able to learn more advanced material through an adult class than a teens class but I'm nervous because it is a whole new level...and they are adults and not teens that are shorter than

Anywho, I'll probably be fine when the transistion comes, hopefully.

Bro, you're getting off easy. Prof. Bishop throws you in the adult class at age 13. Just Relax.
Wow, that;s young for an adult class.

Last weekend my school moved to a different location (which is closer to my house :D) but I haven't seen it yet. I would have today but I wasn't feeling well. First day back after spring break is not very fun...
Adult starts at 18.

Anyways, I take my written test Wednesday and physical Thursday. Interestingly, I'm doing state testing at school on Wednesday. Last belt was on the day of finals...
Written test is done...oh joy. Now for the physical test tonight. Coincidentally, I'm going up for a yellow belt. XD
I am so jealous, I have gotten interested in Kaju over the last few years, but there is no one teaching within 3 hours of me.

Grats on your test!!
Do you have self defence moves called Double Blades or Dropping the Dragon at your Kajukenbo schools?

As I understand it, this Kajukenbo is much like American Kenpo? The Ed Parker Way has names for techniques such as these.

I am so jealous, I have gotten interested in Kaju over the last few years, but there is no one teaching within 3 hours of me.

I wish very much to learn American Kenpo, but there are no schools near me, either, only private instruction.

User krieger, you are very fortunate to have a school like this to go to! If I were a young man, I would move to another city one way or another and seek out a good American Kenpo Teacher! I love this TKD, but American Kenpo is also very nice!

Regarding adult classes -- I can still remember when I was put in with the adults. My school at that time had no children's classes, however, when it came time to do one-steps and free sparring, the children would be in their own group. One night came when the my Sabum-Neem said, "Bobby, you line up with the Adults!"

That was a proud night! Don't worry about being put in with the Adults, this is a very good thing! You will learn much more that way!!!

Congratulations on this testing, and yes, good luck with your cold, that is never any fun to be sick!
I passed my physical test. But I didn't get a belt because the school hasn't received any for some odd reason, so no one got any belts. But we should in a week or so. I think the got back ordered or something.

I'd suggest taking a look at the private lessons. You could have better one on one instruction. Although, price might be the problem there.

I really want to learn Aikido, but the closest school is 20-35 min away from me, w/o traffic.

As for the cold, that was my last belt promotion. This was my second one. I'm gonna keep updates in here, as not to flood the board.