Thanks again for your interest everyone. Right now I'm typing this in between calls at work, so it'll probably be a little disjointed ...
The D level is 17. And yes, I'll call the doc and pick up that prescription today.
To answer your question Brian, it just feels like the floor drops out from under me. If you've ever loaded a ton of sugar into an empty system (like having a wad of cotton candy for breakfast) and waited a few hours, that's exactly it. It's sudden, often hitting in the space of a few minutes. Usually it's just slow enough that I can minimize the damage by eating a ton of protein if I can get to it immediately. That's something like a double quarter-pounder if I'm on the road, or a peanut butter sandwich with a big hunk of cheese, or a whole chicken breast. Even then I'm not totally sure it'll do the trick, but I'm a little too full to eat any more. :uhyeah: So i monitor it and hope for the best.
Shesulsa, to answer your question, that brownie tasted fecal. Ew. Since then I've experimented with tiny bits of sugar, and it's tasting normal again. I don't enjoy it, but at least I know what I'm eating. My tolerance level is creeping back - I'm having moderate amounts of bread and it's sitting okay. So are small amounts of fruit - half an apple here, a banana there. I'm still making a point of going way overboard with the protein.
It sounds perverse, but I am disappointed at the clean lab results. It would have made this so much simpler if I could have gotten some answers from that. Unfortunately the sugar/D conundrum is now having a ripple effect that I'd rather not go into here, but my main concern right now is damage control rather than mystery solving. Sorry, Scooby Doo. In any case, I'll be seeing the nutritionist on Monday. I always prefer any commonsense "natural" proactive measure to prescriptions when I can.