Vatican, Muslims prepare historic meeting with Pope

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Vatican, Muslims prepare historic meeting with Pope

OK, that is nice and all, but, the Pope, by definition is Christian, i.e. one who believes without the grace of God and belief that Christ is the son of God you will go to hell.
Muslim doctrine holds that if one is not Muslim one should be either forcibly converted or consigned to living as a second class citizen, (DHIMMI).
So, here's the big question, since neither are likely to change the other's views in the slightest, what is the point?
by definition is Christian, i.e. one who believes without the grace of God and belief that Christ is the son of God you will go to hell.

Not all Christians believe that. Not even all Christians believe in Hell.

Muslim doctrine holds that if one is not Muslim one should be either forcibly converted or consigned to living as a second class citizen, (DHIMMI).

Not all Muslims believe that either. Muslims have their liberal and fundamentalist varieties, just like other religions.

So, here's the big question, since neither are likely to change the other's views in the slightest, what is the point?

Maybe they can take a crack at that whole not-killing-each-other thing?
I don't forsee this ending well.

But--positive outcomes have come out of unlikely situations before *shrug*
Vatican, Muslims prepare historic meeting with Pope

OK, that is nice and all, but, the Pope, by definition is Christian, i.e. one who believes without the grace of God and belief that Christ is the son of God you will go to hell.
Muslim doctrine holds that if one is not Muslim one should be either forcibly converted or consigned to living as a second class citizen, (DHIMMI).
So, here's the big question, since neither are likely to change the other's views in the slightest, what is the point?

Did you read the article, Don?

Surely, if you had read it, you'd have read the point?

"Now there is a need for deeper dialogue on doctrine, theology and the character of religions in today's world and the challenges we face," Pallavicini told Reuters. ...

....."We must try, together with the Pope, to get on a path of dialogue on issues confronting humanity today," he said.

Besides Pallavicini, the Muslim delegation to the preparatory talks will include a Turk, a Briton, a Jordanian and a Libyan.

The Vatican delegation includes Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, head of the Vatican's Council for Interreligious Dialogue, the head of the Pontifical Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies in Rome and a professor from Rome's Gregorian University.

'course, similar dialogues have taken place for nearly 1300 years, for all the good that they've done, but what the still seems to me that you didn't even read the damn thing.

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