You're changing what I say, as well as moving the goal posts. Now you include violence in a very general sense. Many cultures and religion condone violence in defense of life and property. Sounds.... almost American, doesn't it?
Terrorism is defined as "the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes."
Not moving the goal posts. I have remained rather consistent. My first post in this thread, in fact, had to do with the fact that I find it hard to believe that a we had to worry about a religion that claims to be a religion of peace would commit an act of violence regarding the burning of a book. There is no "terrorism" in that act. I also posted a video of a women stating that she believes that all Jews should move to Israel so that they don't have to be hunted down globally. That is not terrorism, as there is no explicit attempt to influence political agendas, just genocide. I spoke about Muslims killing a woman by kicking and dropping a cinder block on her head because she refused to marry a person for whom her family had arranged. None of these are acts of terrrorism, though they do, indeed, involve a great deal of violence or threatened violence.
But no, it doesn't sound like America. You don't tend to see, though it does happen on occasion, people killing each other over religious beliefs. Mostly it's just senseless killing.
There is something ironic in your statement about defense of life and property, though. Osama Bin Laden, in issuing his fatwah, utilized the idea of defensive military jihad. This means that it is the duty of all Muslims to participate, not just the male population, as would be the case in offensive military jihad. To wit, he states:
If there are more than one duty to be carried out, then the most important one should receive priority. Clearly after Belief (Imaan) there is no more important duty than pushing the American enemy out of the holy land. No other priority, except Belief, could be considered before it; the people of knowledge, Ibn Taymiyyah, stated: "to fight in defence of religion and Belief is a collective duty; there is no other duty after Belief than fighting the enemy who is corrupting the life and the religion.
He wisely (for his purposes) framed the argument in terms of the defense and not the offence in order to gain as much support as possible.
With only an English translation as my reference, I state again that this is nowhere found in the QURAN. If I do not satisfy your qualification as an expert witness, you will need to bring someone else to the stand.

So, if I say there is nothing, I guess you gotta bring 'something.'
You satisfy my qualification that you know more about it then others posting. As I said, I will give you positions the consideration that they are due.
However, as I posted from a site regarding Muslims against terrorism, even they say that most Islamic leaders condone violence. So I weigh what you say with what they say (plus others) and I come to a tentative belief. What else do you suggest that I do?
I think people will only see what they want to see. You've only brought a [fabricated] claim that "most Muslims are terrorists."
You don't listen. I never made that claim or any other. I gave you examples that adherents of Islam utilize and think perfectly appropriate the use of violence to further whatever agenda that they may hold. And that Islam condones such violence, their words, not mine.
So when you say that Islam does not, and I ask for proof of your position, you resort to distortions of what I am saying, deflection, and provide no evidence to support your position that most Muslims don't condone such violence.
Did you ask your claimant to site THIER sources?
If it was a training class that I attended, they always, to gain credibility with a skeptical law enforcement audience, state their own training and experiences. With some books, they often have "About the Author" sections, as well as the fact that they are non-fiction books citing their own research. Some of the books are written by those of / formerly of the Islamic faith themselves, or grew up in Islamic countries.
If they have none, then I guess there is really nothing here to refute, but an empty arguement as you say. Maybe you could return to him/her and ask, "What makes you think most Muslims are terrorists?" Then you could bring some specific points to the discussion as I asked earlier.
There really is nothing more to say, I guess. I ask you to refute the claims of other Muslims, with evidence, and yet you refuse to do so. I post video of Muslims advocating the destruction of an entire race of people, and you tell me, without evidence, that it is a distortion of Islam. I show where Muslims kick and kill a woman who is "in violation" of Sharia law, and you say nothing. You say that there are millions of Muslims who speak out against terrorism "even if I haven't heard them", and yet don't point me to any sources where I can find such information, even when I ask it of you.
Hell, I'm the one who posted even a remotely Muslim groups belief against terrorism in this entire discussion.
Once again, I have made no claim, only asked questions, citing the evidence that I can find. And so far, you have not cited any evidence, given any source, posited any verse in the Quran, that would show otherwise.
It's really to bad. I really was looking for ammunition to use against those who say that Muslims are all extremists (as Westerners use the term) and terrorists. But I guess none is to be found here.