using the heavy bag


Senior Master
I know that everyone here know how to use the heavy bag (boxing heavy bag type) but I think you can help me to develop good tecnike using one.

In dojang we have 4 heavy bags that (don't ask me why) we don't use, and I think I can get one good cardio night per week working alone in the heavy bag, resting my feet a little but doing a good workout time for my upper body.

I don't wana use boxing gloves but want to cover my fists a little while I send full power ounches to the bag, waht kind of gloves I should wear? yes I know that maybe using wraps on my hands is better but I don't want to mess up wraping my fists like a boxer , I want something easy to put on/take off that brings good protection to my fists.

Truth to be told, even I know how to punch I am not a boxer so forget the nice combinations of punches, maybe I only know how to do 1-2, or 1-2-3 hand combinations using jab and cross and sometimes with a hook delivery to the gut.

While hand wraps are good, a good pair of bag gloves will give you better support initially.
Something like this with the grab bar across the palm plus the wide, long wrist wrap will provide excellent support and protection when you start pounding the bag.
Something like this or this will also work very well. Personally, I think the heavy padded ones are not as good, unless you're training for a boxing ring. I'd use either of the first two options and then move to hand wraps such as these. I think you might be confused about how difficult or time consuming it is to apply hand wraps. It's really neither.
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I know that everyone here know how to use the heavy bag (boxing heavy bag type) but I think you can help me to develop good tecnike using one.

In dojang we have 4 heavy bags that (don't ask me why) we don't use, and I think I can get one good cardio night per week working alone in the heavy bag, resting my feet a little but doing a good workout time for my upper body.

I don't wana use boxing gloves but want to cover my fists a little while I send full power ounches to the bag, waht kind of gloves I should wear? yes I know that maybe using wraps on my hands is better but I don't want to mess up wraping my fists like a boxer , I want something easy to put on/take off that brings good protection to my fists.

Truth to be told, even I know how to punch I am not a boxer so forget the nice combinations of punches, maybe I only know how to do 1-2, or 1-2-3 hand combinations using jab and cross and sometimes with a hook delivery to the gut.


Get a set of bag gloves, like these: $ibg_v2.jpgLINK. They have a bit of padding, but not nearly as much as a regular boxing glove. If all you're worried about is protecting your skin -- you can even use a pair of regular work gloves.
get a pair of bag gloves - might sound sissy but it'll protect the skin on your hands. the leather bags rip the skin on the hands when your hands get sweaty.

hope this helps :)
Great Stuff at Ringside. reccomend gloves with NO Bar in the middle. It mimics how Boxers spar but not how MA trains us to fight.
I would add something I learned from my kickboxing days. If at all possible, wear shoes while kicking the bag, also. Even if it's TKD shoes, it lessens the risk of injury to your feet.
I agree with Dirty Dog. Once you learn to wrap your hands, it takes about 30 seconds for each hand. Given how cheap hand wraps are, it a good starting point until you figure out if bag work is something you'll do on a regular basis.

I would also add that you should push yourself to come up with longer combinations; adding movement as well. My instructor once told me that if you practice throwing 2-3 techniques, in high pressure situations you will throw 1-2 techniques. If you train your body to throw 5-6 techniques in practice, you will probably throw 3-4 techniques in stressful situations. I think of it like seeing an opening and looking to overwhelm your opponent to finish.
Just get a good set of MMA gloves they protect your knuckles enough (if your throwing the strikes correctly) and allow you to have the freedom to pretty much throw any type of hand strike that you would like to on a bag.
Get a set of bag gloves, like these:View attachment 18827LINK. They have a bit of padding, but not nearly as much as a regular boxing glove. If all you're worried about is protecting your skin -- you can even use a pair of regular work gloves.

When I was a teen I had a pair of those in my country the name is Gaunteletas they were of leather and used a lot using the heavy bag I had on my garage, something I remeber were my pealed knuckles because even with that Guanteletas the sking of my knuckles went off.

i use my muay thai shin and foot guards when i'm kicking my bag --- muay thai fights are done in bare feet so you need the soles of your feet to become accustomed to feeling the floor :)

if you start kicking the bag without protection then you'll find that you'll do damage to the soft tissues in your foot/ankle/shin areas and that really hurts :(
i use inner gloves in my mitts - i also train with heavier gloves than my fight gloves --- my training gloves are 16oz and my fight gloves are 12oz.

i find that if i train hard with the 16oz mitts that when i put my fight gloves on cos they're lighter i swing my hands faster and recover the punch faster ;) my hands also get far less sweaty with the inner gloves compared with the hand wraps :)

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