Using aquarium gravel for self defense

I dunno... A couple of plants, maybe one of those treasure chests that opens and bubbles fly out....

Harr and don't fergit the pirate skeleton that looks like it's drinking from a bottle of rum. :pirateph3
I prefer to softly and carry a bright light. ;)


They do make some flashlights that have very high lumens and can very well disorientate an attacker. Some are even strobes that make you fell like you are in a disco! I perfer my bright light to be about a 1 megawat laser:-) Hope one day they make one!


They do make some flashlights that have very high lumens and can very well disorientate an attacker. Some are even strobes that make you fell like you are in a disco! I perfer my bright light to be about a 1 megawat laser:-) Hope one day they make one!


I have a Surefire. ;)
There are no stupid ideas, just untried or unproven ideas.

Personally, that would be the last thing I would try, but to each their own.
Actually, the same self defense guru recommended 10-W40 in a small spray bottle over OC-spray since he believed 10-W40 to be cheaper, more effective, and legal. One does not negate the other, you can have more than one option regarding distracting someone's vision. One problem with spray is the wind can bring the spray right back at you.

Is he talking about one of those engine fogging oils? What is the smallest can of fogging oil that you have ever seen, and how well does that fit in your jacket pocket? Most of the cans are about the same size as your average spray paint can, roughly equivalent to one of those bear detterant spray cans. I've never seen it in the handy 2oz bottles that OC often comes in. Though I guess you could use a big can for a fistload. I'm still not impressed with the advice, is this from Bradley Steiner?
I wear glasses. Would a handful of gravel get in my eyes, or just bounce of the lenses and make me kind of mad at the person who threw it?
Is he talking about one of those engine fogging oils? What is the smallest can of fogging oil that you have ever seen, and how well does that fit in your jacket pocket? Most of the cans are about the same size as your average spray paint can, roughly equivalent to one of those bear detterant spray cans. I've never seen it in the handy 2oz bottles that OC often comes in. Though I guess you could use a big can for a fistload. I'm still not impressed with the advice, is this from Bradley Steiner?

I'm going to say yes. Bradley Steiner was a good writer, wrote some good common sense articles on weight lifting and strength traing, and was one of the first people to write about, and help revive, WWII combatives. Then he kind of went of the deep end(without flotation devices).

I am also going to guess Joab means wd-40, not 10w-40.
My former self defense guru advised carrying aquarium gravel in your jacket's outer pocket so that you can fling it into an attacker's eyes to set up a hit, kick and the like. The idea is an old one, the old throw sand in the eyes trick, perhaps first invented by the Egyptians. When I lived in an urban area with a high volume of crime I used to carry aquarium gravel in my outer pocket, but thankfully, no one ever attacked me. Still, I think it is a good one, temporaily blind your opponent even for a moment can make the difference between victory and defeat in an emergency self defense situation. And it is legal. Aquarium gravel was advised because it is clean, any gravel will do. The only draw back was it was a pain to have to clean out of your pocket when it was time to wash your jacket...

I like marbles, a secure leather pouch with a nice strong drawstring. Or a rock collection. Or a bar of soap tucked in a spare par of socks.

All perfectly legal. In fact, the soap and the socks are perfectly allowable walk-on carrying items on any airline.

All fairly effective improvised impact weapons of fairly decent power.
Is he talking about one of those engine fogging oils? What is the smallest can of fogging oil that you have ever seen, and how well does that fit in your jacket pocket? Most of the cans are about the same size as your average spray paint can, roughly equivalent to one of those bear detterant spray cans. I've never seen it in the handy 2oz bottles that OC often comes in. Though I guess you could use a big can for a fistload. I'm still not impressed with the advice, is this from Bradley Steiner?

It may have been WD-40, and I bought one for my wife that can easily fit in a purse. And yes, the advice came from Professor Steiner.
E2D for me and a P6 for my wife. I even gave a E2D to my little sister (she didn't want a gun.)

E2D here as well. So far TSA hasn't blinked when I pack it in my carry-on luggage. :)
The same self defense guru advocated putting rolls of quarters in a sock, perhaps he got the idea from the movie "Death Wish"...

I was think this idea came from that prison show with that Sean Penn in Bad boys from 1983?
A bar of soap in a sock has been the weapon of choice for 'blanket parties' since the USMC began, I think. Anyone who has seen 'Full Metal Jacket' knows how they are administered - or been through boot camp.
Has anyone seen episodes of the U.S. "Office" where Dwight has weapons stashed under the copy machine, in the ceiling tiles, tapes under tables, and other places?

Seriously though, having pockets full of aquarium gravel and socks full of soap bars is downright silly and makes me think of things that Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons would say when giving self-defense advice to others.

One would need to be more realistic and less campy when dealing with self-defense in the public. Rather than gravel, use coins. Carry a maglight to use as a baton. Carry a cane (not the kind with the sword inside--don't be an idiot). Carry real pepper spray, not wd-40. Carry a bright "blinder" flashlight. Get a conceal permit and carry a legal gun.

Be realistic, not stupid.


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