To be honest I honestly have no idea how many of those 157 competitors "should" have been there. Honestly I do not know if I should even have been there. Olympic sparring rules are not what I am traditionally trained in, and although my kwan jang nim was vice president of the USTU, he never pushed or even spoke about any of his students participating in the junior olympics or senior nationals. But he never discouraged us either.
All I know is that I lost my last match because I lost points for "excessive contact." It was this experience that made me realize that olympic style sparring and the sparring I was accustomed to were two different animals.. . So I did not persue the olympic endeavor any further.
I'd like to make clear that I do not bash sport tkd, but it is just not what I have been trained in and was not something that I particularly enjoyed. My idol was not Herb Perez but Albert Cheeks and Mike Warren.. . Just a different cup of tea.